Top 10 Longest Trains in the World

Top 10 Longest Trains in the World 

The length of a train is measured by the know of wagons containing bulk loads such as or oil etc that
are attached to the main locomotive the lengths of a train and the load bearing capacity of the wagons can be limited on electrified rail gauges which are other lower voltage ratings such as 3,000 volts DC or 1500 volts DC as they face issues with traction power elevation changes curves and bends along the route loop length couplings and draw gears can also be limiting factors to the length of a train it is not very uncommon for a length of a freight train to have an average length of 2,000 meters longer lengths can also be achieved with the help of distributed power units which can stretch the overall length to more than three or four times the average length i.e. up to 8,000 meters the main advantage of using distributed power systems is that they enable much longer and heavy loads to be carried across without the risk of the train derailment from the stress of pulling these long wagons along steep curves adding a locomotive in between the freight wagons also aid in pulling the wagons more efficiently with efficient weight distribution among more than one locomotive so without further ado here is the list of the 10 longest trains in the world. 

10-BHP Billiton Iron Ore Train, Australia 

BHP Billiton operates the Mount Newman railway which is a private railway line used to carry iron ore the length of the track run for 426 kilometers and is Australia’s one of the longest private railway lines it was officially opened to be used in 1969 the journey took over the entirety of the track from Newman to Port Hedland tails about eight hours and on average 250 wagons stretching over more than two points six kilometers carry the ore but on 2001 the train broke the world record for being the heaviest and longest train the world by joining 682 wagons carrying 82,000 tons of ore in the train which spanned a total length of seven thousand three hundred meters long it ran between Yandel and Port Hedland was carried forward with the help of eight locomotive engines. 

9-Double Stack Container Trains, Canada 

Double Stack Container Trains are operated by the Canadian National Railway system and with the help of multiple locomotives which bear the load-bearing capacity up until the 1990s the lengths of an average freight train was about 1500 meters which was increased significantly with the use of distributed power units nowadays it is hardly uncommon to see trains which are carrying capacity of up to 18,000 tons and a length of more than 4,000 meters general cargo trains are of around 3700 meters in length and bulk trains are around 3,000 meters in length on average the longest length of a freight train in Canada is a 4,200 meters. 

8-RDP trains, South Africa 

Also known as the or export line this railway line is 861 kilometers in length built-in 1976 it connects cyanol mines transition in the northern cape to Port Saldano in the Western Cape and is primarily used to transfer iron organs not used for transporting passengers it is a single track with tens passing loops for trains to pass the other way initial train lengths along this route consisted of electric locomotives pulling 210 wagons carrying a weight of 80 tons each train lengths have been increased to 342 wagons since then comprising as a total length of 3,709meters and can carry a weight of 42,000 tons. 

7-AAR Standard S- 400, USA 

Freight trains make up a 60 billion dollars industry play an important role in the country's economy for the movement various minerals and renewable energy deposits most of the freight railroads are privately owned and operated by organizations and about 15 to 20 percent of their expenditure is invested to maintain them one of the most popularly deployed freight trains is the our standard S 400 which comes with a host of safety features such as air brakes and electronically controlled pneumatic brakes equipped on the locomotives which prevent wagons it's from derailing when going through sharp bends the S 400 generally comprises of 180 wagons adding up to a total length of around 3,658 liters. 

6-Cajaras Railway Freight Train, Brazil 

The Cajaras railroad is 892 kilometers long and was system operated in 1982 links the largest open-pit iron ore mines in the world from the caterers to Ponte de midi report in salaries over 120 million tons of iron ore and 350,000 passengers travel through this railroad which is considered as the most efficient one in brazil the revenue generated by these ores contributes to a major part of Brazil's economy one this route a total of 10,756 wagons and 217 locomotives are available to use over 35 different trains circulate on this route including one of the world's largest train in regular operation consisting of 330 wagons and a total length of 3,300 meters. 

5-Daqin Railway Coal Trains, China 

Darken Railway Coal Trains is used to transport coals along a 653 kilometer coal transport facility in northern China the railway line passes through the provinces of Beijing and Chongjin and is publicly operated by a stock trading company the track was built in 1984 with a single line but was modified to a double line in 1992 to meet growing demands freight trains operating on the dark inline can carry Goods up to 20,000 metric tons the largest carrying capacity in the country this is made possible by the use of powerful locomotive models such as the HX T 1 and HX d2 which have a power output of close to 10 megawatts and are much powerful than the older DJ one variant locomotives the trains carrying coal are generally about 210 wagons long spanning a length of up to 3,200 meters. 

4-Mauritania Railway Iron ore trains, Mauritania 

The Mauretania railway is the National Railway of the country of Mauritania these trains are responsible for carrying iron ore from the mining center of lyrics and added to along a 704 kilometer line passengers rarely travel along this track on specialized passenger cars with this train but many hop along in the wagons itself trains running on this railway line are up to 2,500 meters in length and comprised of three or four diesel-electric EMD locomotives to pull them there are a total of 200 to 210 wagons in total and the trains have a load-carrying capacity of about 85 tones it is used to transport more than 16 million tons of ore every year. 

3-Rio Tinto railway Services, Australia 

Rio Tinto owns and operates the largest private railway network system in Australia it has access to 15 mines with the help of mainline systems which spans over 1,700 kilometers long it is 173 locomotives and 10,500 wagons at its disposal at service a mostly iron and rope River ioan are the two organizations which frequently operate service to these mines extract iron ore deposits they assembled huge trains which comprised on an average of 226 wagons each with a carrying capacity of 105 tons for each of them one such fully loaded train has a freight bearing capacity of about 30,000 tons and are up to 2400 meters in length. 

2-Maruti Freight Train, India 

launched in 2011 by the central railway of India this freight train will generally operate between the roots of bilaspur tube as well it runs at an average speed of 50 kmph Indus pulled by 4 locomotives two in the front and two in the middle the train has a load bearing capacity of about 9,000-10,000 tones and comprises of 118 wagons and runs a total length of about 1400 meters it was planned to be of longer length but disused such as driver guard communications sharp bends along the route and gradient changes acted as a hindrance nevertheless it is one of the longest freight trains in Southeast Asia and be easily the longest in the country. 

1-The Ghan, Australia 

The Ghan is a passenger train the only one in this list runs between the cities of Adelaide and Darwin the entire journey is of 2,878 kilometers and takes about 54 hours to undertake the trains name honors the Afghan camel drivers who came to the country in the late 1800s and they used the train as the medium to explore the interiors if the country the entire carriage consists of anywhere between 16 to 26 carriages made of stainless steel on average but it once carried a total of 99 carriages which stretched the overall length of the length to around 1200 meters. 

We hope you enjoyed the list let us know which one of these trains you'd like to ride on and Thank you so much.