Top 10 Most AMAZING Recent Technology!

Top 10 Most AMAZING Recent Technology! 

From artificial limbs to floating cities here are 10 amazing scientific advancements happening right now. 

10-3d Printing Organs 

3d printing has been around for a few years now but it just recently made breakthroughs bigger than cars or phone cases or toys that have been created before the 3d printer has started creating organs for human use sharer prosthetics are understandable but organs research is currently being conducted on artificial heart kidney and liver structures as well as other major organs, organs like the heart will be tougher but it is definitely possible can you imagine being the person that kept organs in stock checking your list okay I need to print three kidneys and four livers today the reason the 3d printing works so well is that organs are very complicated and the machine does a layer by layer scan of an actual organ this allows them to give a very detailed printout crazy yes but not as crazy as the ability to print out human skin now that craziness is happening as we speak this can be to repair damaged skin or for purely cosmetic reasons. 

9-Needleless Vaccines 

What is your least favorite part of getting flu shots oh yeah the shot the needle that pierces your skin and stings this new invention called the immuno matrix patch will allow you to vaccinate yourself with a simple Band-Aid like patch this isn't just great because it's painless but it has even greater benefits one it takes a tenth of the vaccine that the syringe does which saves tons of money and two it doesn't require the glass file syringes hypodermic needles trained medical personnel and bio hazardous waste disposal so again it saves tons and tons of money and resources can you imagine it being flu season and you just going to town to pick up your flu patch and hearing it at home dream big and realistically this is happening. 

8-Endless Storage 

you know how a terabyte is really big well what about a million terabytes maybe a trillion okay now imagine an endless amount of storage scientists at the University of Southampton have created and are working on advances with this technology not only will this device store endless info but it is pretty much invincible to damage it is made out of Nano structured glass and has the ability to record and retrieve five dimensional digital data by femtosecond laser writing as her right now it can only hold about 360 terabytes but things are quickly escalating it can go through almost 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit and will last longer than anyone on this planet except maybe the tardigrade the technology isn't for public use yet because it is reserved for preserving historical documents first since it can hold an entire library of books they have already stored actual copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Newton's optics the Magna Carta and King James Bible. 

7-Cybernetic Implants 

The term cyber ware is a pretty new field for scientists sure the first pacer was implanted in the 1950s but that was such a small advancement compared to today we already have an artificial pancreas for diabetics as of now it is simply a pod implanted into the skin by the wearer and it pumps insulin into their body but you see there are two types of cyber ware today brain wear and body wear you know the data jack from The Matrix yeah like that it's very hard to implant but it can be put into the users brain for various reasons in time it would be able to upload thoughts to a PC or to other people's brain where this would literally give us all telekinesis it would also allow us to control things with our mind with simple thoughts as if our minds were Alexa the other type of cyber ware is body wear and it is much more simple as it works with muscles rather than brainwaves it has been proven to allow those with prosthetics to easily control their new limbs isn't that amazing? 

6-Stem Cell Transplants 

We've had stem cell transplants for decades especially for cancer patients but over the last few years great advances have been made that could change the entire world as we know it let's look at the bone marrow transplant this process takes healthy blood stem cells from relatives that have a similar DNA pattern and infuses them with the damaged cells replacing them all together this is often a necessary move in cancer patients whose bone marrow stops working in recent years advancements have been made to allow this transplant to take place in patients with diabetes heart disease arthritis stroke victims Parkinson's Alzheimer's osteoporotic learning disabilities spinal cord injuries and other conditions even things as simple as deafness and baldness this may even be able to be done via artificial stem cells that is an advancement in itself or even greater a cloning of healthy stem cells to culture in a lab ready for use. 

5-From Gas to Solids 

Have you ever seen scientists turned gas into a solid well no one else had until just recently either what they are doing now is taking carbon dioxide and injecting volcanic basalt rock with pressurized liquid CO2 by letting the natural chemical reactions do their work they end up with real stone this is no small process though as it takes two years to achieve but despite what you may believe this is a great advancement for one particular reason tons of CO2 is being pumped into the air in time this could kill us but if we turn it into stone it could just save humanity from extinction the US Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is working on both a way to dissolve the COgas into Icelandic water and inject it into the ground to turn it to stone. 

4-Wireless Electricity 

Wireless electricity isn't exactly new but how amazing is it that new advancements are being made to this day we know that Wireless light bulbs are possible so that means that the possibilities are nearly limitless pretty soon everyone will be charging their phones in their pockets this is due to what we know as wireless power transfer and is the transmission of electrical energy without wires plus it's way safer I mean no more hairdryer bathtub incidents you know how Wi-Fi gives you internet without an Ethernet cable or DSL well that's the exact same technology used in wireless power transfer in a few short years cords and wires will be a thing of the past, in reality, there will be invisible waves of electrical energy connecting us all we will live in an electric current of technology connecting us in a way we never thought possible. 

3-Growing Rat limb 

Prosthetic limbs have made amazing advancements the last few years but did you know that the line between biological and prosthetic is thinning every day regenerative scientists have proven this by growing a complete rat limb in a lab in Massachusetts General Hospital the limb could move and function almost as well as a natural limb while it was natural just the process that got it there was not scientist took a forlán from a rat and stripped away every living cell except the collagen that gives muscles and tendons their shape then they took cells from a different rat and placed the limb in a bioreactor to nourish it for around three weeks this stimulated the muscles with electricity which made the paw clenched and unclenched growing limbs is much harder than growing organs because they have many different kinds of cells Discover Magazine reports that in the future cells would be taken from the recipient themselves in many transplant cases the body will reject the unfamiliar hand or Oregon so the patient needs immunosuppressive therapy for the rest of their life if the cells were taken from the recipient themselves the risk of rejection would be much lower and essentially people could grow their own limbs back it will be at least ten years before bio limbs will be ready for human testing but science is on its way. 

2-Medical Tattoos 

I'm not talking about tattoos that cover scars warn people of an allergy or a dog tag of sorts I'm talking about something revolutionary what if everything that you go to the doctor for could be sent directly to them instantly and all you had to do was get a temporary tattoo with diabetic pause and fit bit’s the instant info for doctors is becoming fairly easy but a new biometric tattoo could transmit medical information discreetly at all times it uses radio frequency identification chips that are implanted under the skin these would probably be implanted in permanent tattoos in the future but as for right now they are simply temporary tattoos that are replaced every five days they will be able to measure perspiration heart rate and perhaps soon call an ambulance measure blood sugar blood pressure and more the best part is you can give your doctor a direct link to anything that goes on so they can wirelessly monitor you. 

1-Floating Cities 

If you thought floating cities were just for science-fiction think again these are currently being turned into science fact the sea studying Institute will begin construction very shortly this would be the perfect answer to natural disasters and so many more problems such as curing diseases poverty and cleaning the atmosphere plus it's really cool designers say if we can be behind a reef break then we can design floating platforms that are sufficient for those waters at an affordable cost construction will begin in 2019 and by 2050 it is expected that tens of millions of residents will live in this new water world metropolis. 

Did you know all of this stuff going in leave us a comment let us know what you're thinking and if you like this list.