Top 10 Games That Are Illegal To Play

 Top 10 Games That Are Illegal To Play

Illegal games, very bad but  sometimes very fun. As a gamer myself i know  there are some pretty messed up games out  there but everytime i make one of these videos  im always enlightened and surprised at how  screwed up some of them can be. And then im  like who even comes up with these? But anyway  enough of me lets get into it, this is the  Top 10 Games That Are Illegal to Play.
10- Valkyrie  Drive: Bhikkhuni  

So this game was developed  by Meteorise for the playstation Vita and  was first released in Japan in 2015, and then  worldwide the following year. The game focuses  on the island of Bhikkhuni in which all the  girls are infected with the VR virus. The  only way to cure the virus is to fight over  and over again so they can control their abilities.  And theres two types of girls, Extars who  can transform themselves into weapons when  theyre sexually aroused and liberators who  can wield these extars when theyre in their  weapon form. The gameplay has 2 phases the  adventure parts and the action parts and during  the fighting sequences the girls work in pairs  to defeat enemies and sometimes doing strong  special moves can tear off the clothes of  your partner or your enemy. The Drive part  of the game is when both girls combine forces  during weaponization so a sexy cut in will  appear and they touch other explicitly for  a bit and then boom weaponization. Theres  even a boob ranking system in the game. You  can also grope and undress other girls in  the dressing room if you want to. The game  ended up getting banned in many countries  like Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia, Germany,  Kenya, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and New Zealand  for glorifying sexuality, homosexuality, just  all around sexual content, sexual content  involving minors and promoting immoral values.  They also werent happy with the fact the two  main characters, sisters Ranka and Rinka have  an incestuous relationship of sorts. I mean  so yknow get where theyre coming from there.

 9-Wolfenstein 3D

Coming in at number 9 is Wolfenstein 3D. So  Wolfenstein itself is a World War II themed  series and its actually sort of legendary  because it really helped popularise first  person shooting games even though now thats  basically the norm. People have gone as far  as to say COD wouldnt have existed had this  game not come out. Now Wolfenstein 3D was  the third game in the series and it was released  in 1992. And honestly the game is pretty simple  you play as an allied spy and you have to  escape Castle Wolfenstein. Many of the games  are banned in Germany for obvious reasons  mainly the Nazi references and high impact  gory violence and the 8th game in the series  was also banned in the UAE for interactive  sex scenes. I love how this is a series focusing  on World War II like there is so much content  you could put in these games yet they found  the time and somehow managed to include an  interactive sex scene. It was a necessity  clearly. 

8-The Dead Island

At number 8 we have The Dead Island series.  Dead Island is a survival horror role playing  game developed by Techland and it was released  back in 2011. You can play it multiplayer  or alone and the game centers around a zombie  filled open world and there are 4 playable  characters to choose from and the aim of the  game is the escape the island of Banoi that  you are on. Definitely would not like to be  on a zombie infested ISLAND thank you. Most  of the game is about combat and finishing  your quests, you can earn XP when doing so  and then level up. The first half of the game  only has melee weapons for you to use but  the second half has some firearms but either  way the weapons are displaced all over the  world and are randomly generated. Some zombies  are stronger than others, some have special  abilities, so you have to look out for everything  and make sure your stamina bar doesnt deplete  otherwise. The game was banned in Germany,  Japan and the UAE for extreme depictions of  high impact gory violence and scantily clad  characters. There was also controversy around  the Purna character who has an unlockable  skill dubbed Gender Wars which lets her do  more damage to male opponents. During development  she was called the Feminist Whore and although  it was edited out for the final release you  can still find it in debug code on the computer  version of the game. 

7-Death Race  

Filling our number 7 slot is Death Race. Now  this is a major throwback because its actually  a 1976 arcade game. It was released by Exidy  that year and it was basically a modified  version of the game Destruction Derby. The  point of the game is really simple, it can  be single player or 2 player and the whole  screens black and white and you drive a car  if you can call that pixelated blob a car  and the point is to run over the gremlins  that are also on the screen. Even though the  gremlins look like people. When you manage  to successfully hit one it lets out an eerie  scream and a cross tombstone appears. That  makes it harder because the tombstones remain  as obstacles whilst the player still has to  hit more gremlins. Aka its a driving game  whos point is to kill pedestrians oh sorry  i mean gremlins. The game was insanely popular  for an arcade game it was showing up in bars,  restaurants, arcades, amusement parks, it  was anywhere youd find arcade games. The game  was only meant to be an interim product until  Exidy released their actual car game the next  year but reporter Wendy Walker published a  very popular article talking about how the  games violent content could affect those playing  it. After many complaints amusement parks  started removing it from their arcades, arcade  or restaurant owners simply stopped renting  the Death Race cabinet, but that wasnt a big  deal for Exidy. They just kept moving their  cabinets from state to state where there wasnt  much controversy about the game. By the next  year the game was no longer in the headlines  but i cant tell whether that was because people  stopped caring or because the game was pretty  much banned in all of America. Also can we  just take a second to talk about how this  game was branded as making players more violent  when its literally just pixelated blobs. We  really had no idea of what was to come did  we.

 6-Left 4 Dead 2

Now at number 6 is Left 4 Dead 2. So Left  2 Dead 2 is a first person shooter game developed  by Valve Corporation and it was released back  in 2009. The game builds on its predecessor  and is set in a post zombie apocalyptic world  but the zombies are very much still there.  This one follows a new group of 4 survivors  going against the Infected around them, you  go through 5 campaigns, you find safe houses,  try to keep each other alive it pretty much  sounds like a spin off video game of The Walking  Dead if im honest. Weapons are separated into  tiers and each survivor can only carry one  weapon from each tier, if youre close to dying  you have to fend all the Infected off with  a handgun until someone helps revive you.  Aka youll probably just die. Now the the games  version of the city of New Orleans garnered  a lot of controversy because the city was  filled with dead bloated bodies and so people  thought it was insensitive to depict that  when Hurricane Katrina only happened a few  years prior and the place that was most badly  hit was New Orleans. On top of that the game  was accused of being racist because most of  the Infected appeared to be African Americans  whereas others argued back saying that reflected  the racial demographic of New Orleans. The  game ended up getting banned in Australia  and Germany due to very realistic unrelenting  violence, Valve then submitted a modified  version removing any images of piles of dead  bodies, decapitations, dismemberment or wound  details and that one was approved. But if  youre anywhere else in the world you have  full access to all the gore that Germany and  Australia are missing out on. 

5-EA Sports MMA 

Coming in at number 5 is EA Sports MMA. So  from the title you can most likely guess that  EA Sports MMA is a mixed martial arts fighting  game. It was released at the end of 2010 by  EA sports for the PS3 and Xbox360. The gameplay  is pretty straightforward you attack your  enemy in the ring as you see fit, you can  fight the orthodox way or southpaw its up  to you, the venues change, it even has a live  broadcast feature where you could upload your  games and people actually got real life prizes  for it. If youve ever watched an mma fight  on tv you know how brutal they can be, yes  Conor McGregor im talking to you, so it isnt  a huge surprise that the game ended up being  banned in Denmark. But funnily enough it wasnt  banned because of the violence in the game  it was banned because of all the energy drink  advertisements within the game. Rockstar Energy  Drink is pretty much plastered everywhere  and theres a law in Denmark that prohibits  any marketing for energy drinks and therefore  the game was banned. 

4-the Call of Duty Series   

Number 4 is the Call of Duty Series. Okay everyone put their hand up if they've played cod. Guilty as charged. I used to play black  ops and just camp in Nuketown and just shoot  people from an upstairs window when i was  lazy. And dont even get me started on zombies  because that that gave me major stress. But  anyway COD is a first-person shooter franchise  which first came out and took the world by  storm in 2003. The first few games focused  on World War II but later games focus on other  conflict like the Cold War, outer space conflict  etc. With most if not all the games there  are campaigns you play which is like the story  mode but you can also play in maps online against other people, in maps offline with your friends against bots, its a fun game im not gonna lie. Excluding being fun the game is hella successful they've made over  15 billion dollars and by 2016 they had sold over 250 million copies. But with great success comes great conflict. Black Ops nearly got  banned in Cuba for including a mission where  you have to kill Fidell Castro, Germany has  banned 4 games in the franchise, Black Ops  was banned in Japan, COD 4 Modern Warfare  was banned in Saudi Arabia and the UAE for  having quotes from the Quran which was deemed  offensive and some were banned in Russia for  having a storyline where Russian ultranationalists  take over Russia and invade the US. All in  all countries have found issues with COD and thats all that matters. 
 3-the Saints Row  series   

Filling our number 3 slot is the Saints Row  series. Saints Row is a series of action adventure  games
 created by Volition first released in  2006. The game focuses on a gang called the  Third Street Saints and the gameplay is in  an open world and it features nonlinear gameplay  and racing sequences too. The aim of the game  is to lead the gang and overtake their rival  gang in a turf war. The game is also known  for its comedic shock value. So far it really  doesnt sound too problematic does it? Its  also like GTA in the sense you can kill whoever  you want on the street but then the police  will be after you and if you die then you  just respawn at the nearest hospital. Okay  its not just like GTA people even it a GTA  clone but without any social commentary. Harsh.  The third game in particular caused controversy  because it had missions like Trojan Whores  and set pieces called things like Stikit Inn  and Tits n’ Grits. They even went as far  as to make a sex trafficking related mission  to try and find humour in it and that was  as you can imagine not received well. But  the thing that people didnt understand is  the giant purple dildo weapon you could use  to beat people to death, its sequel had a  similar weapon called the Alien Anal Probe.  You basically find someone, shove it up there,  press a button and then that person is launched  into the air. Some things people just didn't  know how to explain or defend, in one chase sequence you're in a chariot which is being pulled around by a man in a dominatrix outfit while the gang behind you are in their own dominatrix powered chariots. I just don't know you could say that art in any way. In the  end the games were banned in Germany and the  UAE for many reasons like excessive violence,  sexual themes, high impact violence, and you know probably the dildos.   

2-Baby Shaker   

Now at number 2 is Baby Shaker. Now this one isnt a console game it's a phone game but this list doesn't discriminate games are games so why not include an apple store game. Half the world have iPhones they probably have a bigger reach than a lot of gaming consoles anyway so gotta love the 21st century. But  anyway Baby Shaker was a game made by Sikalasoft  that came out for the iPhone back in 2009.  The game cost 99cents and it showed a black  and white drawing of a baby crying and you can hear the cries. Underneath the drawing,  this paragraph was written "On a plane, on the bus, in a theatre. Babies are everywhere  you don't want them to be! They're always distracting you from preparing for that big presentation at work with their incessant crying. Before Baby Shaker, there was nothing you could do about it. See how long you can endure his or her adorable cries before you just have to find a way to quiet the baby down!". The point of the game is to see how long you can stand the baby crying before you can't take it anymore then at which point you shake your phone to quiet down the baby but shaking your phone actually kills the baby. You figure that out when 2 large red  Xs appear over the babies eyes and the crying stops. It was in the Apple Store for a total of 3 days before Apple took it down. But even  3 days is enough to reach the masses. Complaints  started filing into Steve Jobs, all the executives  for not properly screening such an awful game.  Ironically the App Store has been criticised  in the past for being too strict to the point  they'd ban games that had farting noises in them. Yet this one just flew under the radar.  Either way, it got banned within 3 days and  i highly doubt you can find the game anywhere now as its been 10 years. And I'm pretty sure at least 1 person in every country in the world except Antarctica has an iPhone so i  guess you could say the game was banned worldwide. 

1-Mortal Kombat 

Finally at number 1 is Mortal Kombat. I didn't wanna put it on the list, it physically hurts me but I had to. If you live under a  rock and don't know what Mortal Kombat is, its a fighting game franchise with the  first one having been released in 1992. This game is iconic there are so many sequels to the game, spin-offs, TV shows, a comic book series, and even a live-action tour. It's one of the most successful fighting games in video game history and is also one of the highest grossing. So how did it end up on this list and how did it end up as number 1? As a fighting game, there are special moves that each character has, fatalities are gruesome and they've only gotten more gruesome and more HD as the games have progressed. Fatalities are players finishing move on their opponent. One character called Kano literally has a move where he can rip your heart out. Just to give you a  small example. When it first came out even  Nintendo didn't release it because of the blood and gore. It was one of the first few games psychologists tested on whether video games made players more violent in real life or not. A study done in 2000 claimed that the game did and it was backed up by the Columbine  High school massacre that happened a year prior where 2 teens killed 13 people and injured  24. The two perpetrators played the game obsessively and Bill Clinton himself said its games like  Mortal Kombat that make kids more active in simulated violence. The game series ended  up getting banned in South Korea, Japan, Germany,  Malaysia, Brazil, and Australia for a variety of reasons namely high impact gory violence for no reason other than entertainment. But isnt that most games these days.

Anyway, that's it for today's guys! As a gamer this list makes me laugh and cry simultaneously and I don't know which one to do more of tbh.  Let me know which games you think deserved to get banned and which ones were perhaps okay. Also, let me know if you've played any  of these games.