Top 10 Animals That Were Recently Discovered

Top 10 Animals That Were Recently Discovered

The animal kingdom is diverse and fascinating and there are many different versions of the same species all over the planet in some areas such as the deepest reaches of the Amazon rainforest we know very little about all the creatures that exist there and while us humans tend to think of ourselves as the Masters of our world it cannot be denied that there are many weird and wonderful things on planet Earth of which we are simply unaware that's why everybody becomes so excited when we discover a new plant or animal species recently scientists have discovered new species of wasp shark 8 and even new animals descended from dinosaurs with that in mind here are 10 amazing animals that have only been discovered in recent years.

10-Squalus Clarkae

Also known as the genies dogfish this tiny member of the shark family specifically the dogfish shark grows just 20 to 28 inches long found in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico this dainty predator has huge anime-like eyes which are perfect for seeing in the deep dark waters of course the shark is much too small to hurt humans and it preys on fish and other sea dwelling creatures, it was discovered in July 2018 and represents a great hope for those seeking to preserve the deepest waters of the ocean and the many unidentified species that reside in their depths dr. Maria Pfleger one of those responsible for the discovery of this deep-sea creature states that the discovery of such species is an important stage in any efforts to protect the sea from progressively deeper fishing practices.

9-Calistoga Crassicaudata

Despite being just 9.8 millimeters long this species of parasitic wasp is native to the Amazon and is one of the most nightmarish creatures on this list its stinger is about half the length of its tiny body and is also an ovipositor this means that the stinger also deposits eggs along with a paralytic toxin into the wound, it creates these eggs incubate and hatch within the host body well we could tell you the rest but it's pretty obvious what happens next the scientists that discovered them states that while this discovery was made earlier this year alongside another six wasp species this one was the most exciting if by chance you happen to be in the Amazon and you run into one of their nests you shouldn't worry about them because their stinger is not strong enough to pierce the human skin.

8-Caelestiventus Hanseni

Any this entry has been thankfully discovered post extinction if you think were cruel for saying this just wait until you hear about C Hanseni II see Hanson he was in fact a breed of giant pterosaur which sported no less than 110 teeth and for seriously wicked fangs the scientists responsible for discovering it estimate that it may have had a wingspan of around 4.9 feet and fangs 2.5 centimeters in length living in the late Triassic period this airborne predator would have been a terror of the skies feeding on other airborne dinosaurs and even smaller pterosaur species while the terrace our family are some of the better-known species of flying dinosaur members of the species are still being discovered today imagine running into this bad boy when hang gliding no thanks.

7-Mansourasaurus Shahinae

The second ancient discovery on our list is less carnivorous but no less terrifying for its vegetarian nature the Mansourasaurus was found in Egypt by archeologists in late 2017 this sauropod was long necked long tailed and the size of a modern-day bus what makes this discovery so exciting well Africa has long been a question mark when it comes to large land-dwelling dinosaurs the lush vegetation covered areas which are common much of the African continent make it much harder to identify potential fossil sites as such the Mansourasaurus represents a huge leap forward in our understanding of the landlocked dinosaurs that were resident in what is now Africa before the asteroid hit the earth Eric Gore sketch and mat Lamanna eco researchers state that the discovery of the huge well-preserved dinosaur is the holy grail of discoveries for people looking into dinosaurs of Africa in the Late Cretaceous periods.

6-Dendrocerus Scutellairs

Another member of the wasp family which has been discovered in recent years these Scutellairs is also a parasitic wasp that seems to have cut its way straight from a scary movie like its cousin Crassicaudata the wasp lays eggs inside of a host the larvae then hatch and well you get the rest despite this D Scutellairs lacks the strong pointy jaws that most endow parasitoid wasps used to chew their way free instead this wasp has a saw like structure on its back you can rest easy though as discover layers is just three millimeters long and primarily targets other insects like the caterpillar when it comes to choosing their hosts so no need to add this tiny but feisty creature to your nightmare repertoire this wasp is both uninterested in bothering humans and is much too small to do any harm unless you're another insect.


lovers of weird and wonderful animals will already know about the famously sturdy Tardigrade or as it's sometimes called water bear this tiny microscopic creature can survive in extreme cold down to negative 328 degrees Fahrenheit and extreme heat up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit, in fact, they can even survive in the intense radiation and crushing vacuum of space talk about a super creature, right so you can understand why scientists were eight decided to find a version of this microscopic creature living with its tendril encrusted eggs and thriving in a Japanese parking lot this is the first example of this particular Tardigrade family called Mao nauseous to be found in East Asia research is already being undertaken into the unique eggs that these Tardigrade lay their tentacles are thought to be a method of securing the eggs to a surface so they can safely grow the more we learn about these incredible microscopic creatures the more incredible they seem to be and thanks to this discovery we are closer than ever to understanding them.


The creatures of the world's oceans remain more mysterious than even the surface of the Moon deep-dwelling animals are still being discovered today and so it is a little surprised that we are still becoming aware of now-extinct species the newly discovered Shastasaurid is sadly already long gone but that doesn't make its discovery any less impressive it is thought that when this creature patrolled the open ocean around 205 million years ago that it was the size of a modern blue whale fueling its travels by eating squid and other fish the Shasta sword has been sought after for many years 170 years ago around 1850 beachgoers found Late Triassic fossils which were so massive that they were thought to be sauropod remains now however researchers think that they belonged to this animal the largest of all Ixia SARS a jaw bone from one of these creatures could measure an awe-inspiring 3.1 feet long imagine seeing this majestic creature while scuba diving it would certainly be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

3-Junzi Imperialis

The burials of ancient Chinese Royals were often very flamboyant and outlandish Affairs which displayed the wealth and importance of the person through the goods they were buried with even still archaeologists were surprised to find the remains of an extinct and ancient member of the Gibbon family within the burial menagerie of the grandmother of China's first emperor J imperialists may have been alive 2,300 years ago when this royal grandmother was buried but it has since become the first species of APE on record to go extinct since the last ice age Gibbons and this member of the family in particular were the first animals to be severely impacted by human expansion and growth so it probably makes sense that the remains should be found within one of the most ancient and sophisticated cultures on the planet Ellen Chatterjee one of those responsible for this recent discovery hopes that this will boost the visibility of given preservation efforts across the world here's hoping that she gets her wish these magnificent Apes are in danger in almost every one of their habitats across the world.

2-The Bryant shark

Thanks to recent movies and media the public is more aware of ancient sea life than ever before Jurassic world and the Meg have brought huge sea-dwelling dinos into the public eye but while we know about the infamous Megalodon the largest shark to ever exist few are aware of the ongoing search for one of its ancestors now it appears that the 40-year research is over and researchers have finally found enough teeth to properly identify a previously unknown ancient shark current estimates suggest that while the shark predates the Megalodon it would have been smaller than its successor while the Megalodon teeth could be 7 inches long these teeth are just 1 inch in length however it was still probably a fearsome predator.

1-Orthozanclus Elongata

With an armored back and spikes lining its sides this 515 million-year-old critter would probably give most people a nasty scare if they were to see it in person the cocktail stick like spikes on its back where longer than the creature was wide and extended like sunbursts discoverer dr. Martin Smith remarks that this would have made them look rather like a cuddly cactus because only the two fossils have been discovered we are not yet sure as to how the Elongata slug got around it may have had small legs or a slug-like foot however it was only three millimeters long as such it is remarkable that the fossils were discovered at all there is so much we don't know about this slug that is because the Elongata is extinct and so we can only study the remains and fossils few as they are that have been left behind.

We hope you enjoyed this list let us know which one of these animals was your favorite.