Top 10 Scary Paintings That Moved

  Top 10 Scary Paintings That Moved

Today we are talking The Top 10 Scary Paintings that Moved. Paintings are an artform that stem back thousands of years and have always held a certain degree of mystery. A lot of people report phenomenon like paintings watching them or moving in their frames, like in Harry Potter. Shout out to the Fat Lady and all my fellow potterhead. My family had a painting, in fact, they still do, a copy of La Fumieer and my sister and I were really scared of him. 

10-The Virgin Mary Lipsyncs 

This is insane! In 2015 Parishioners at Saint Charbel’s Church in Sydney, Australia got a shock when they reportedly saw the lips of Virgin Mary move in sync with the Lords Prayer. For those sceptical, two church goers actually filmed the incident. The painting hangs above the church alter and is thought to have come from the middle east. Footage filmed by young Catholic, Kristen Keirouz, was uploaded to youtube and I have to say It really does look like her mouth is moving. It also looks like Christs hand moves at times, too. Kristen spoke to the press and said: I believe it was a miracle, and not just lighting because we all saw it at the same time and because her lips would start moving and then stop and start again. 

9-The Anguished Man 

I absolutely cannot stand to look at this picture. I know art is subjective, but I can’t imagine having to look at this painting ever… let alone giving it a focal spot in my home! This painting is called The Anguished Man and the urban legend goes that it was painted with the artists own blood mixed with oil shortly before they killed themselves. The owner, Sean Robinson, was handed down the painting by his grandmother but claims he doesn’t display it as nobody but he likes it. On the few times, he has displayed the picture, he and his family have reported strange goings-on such as bangs, voices and strange smells. They even reported that the painting moves of its own accord. Trying to find proof, Sean set up a camera in his spare bedroom and recorded the activity over the evening. This is a piece of the footage recorded in June 2011. Yep, according to Sean, the painting was at an angle against the wall and there was no drafts present so it should not have been able to fall. This one is a little bit of an Urban Legend, but stories of it are all over the internet. 

8-Sonee’s Suicide Painting 

So according to Urban Legend, A teenage Japanese girl called Sonee drew this picture and then scanned it into her computer and uploaded it to the internet. The image reportedly had quite the effect on viewers who said they saw sadness in her eyes and her face change expression after staring at her. In South Korea the story gained a lot of momentum and people would claim t hat if they stared at her for five minutes, her face would twist into a taunting smirk. According to the legend, some people who starred at the picture for longer than five minutes were compelled to commit suicide. It turns out it is all an urban legend though and the picture is by an artist called Robert Clang and the girl in the image is a fictional character called Princess Ruu.
7-Misty Bernardo de Galvez  

Look at this majestic fellow! This is powerful historical Spaniard, Bernardo de Galvez who was instrumental in the Spanish Military in the late 1700s. The city of Galveston in Texas in named after him, as is city hotel, Hotel Galvez. In the hotel, there is an oil painting of Bernardo that is reportedly haunted by none other than the chap himself. The painting sits at the end of the downstairs hallway and is quite the feature. Despite being a beautiful old oil painting, a lot of guests at the hotel don’t like the picture one bit. A lot of people have complained that they feel cold when they’re near the painting, and almost all guests of the hotel will tell you they feel Bernardo’s eyes move to watched you. It seems if you try and take a picture of the painting without asking permission of the late great Bernardo de Galvez, it will come it blurry. If you ask, however, he will allow a nice clear picture to be taken. Those eyes. They clearly see you!. 

6-Ivan The Terrible   

And his Son Ivan This 1885 painting by Russian Realist Artist, Illya Repin has been causing a stir since it was created. The painting shows a mortally wounded Ivan being cradled by his Tsar father, who has mortally wounded him. A lot of critics challenge the historical accuracy of the painting, but none the less, it is one of the most famous Russian classics and is currently in the Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery. When the painting was first unveiled, a lot of people claimed to be deeply unsettled by it, some saying they saw something terrible within the picture, other than the already terrible subject matter. In 1913, a mentally ill man slashed the painting with a knife and it was restored by Repin himself. Once again, the painting was slashed in 2018 by a visitor to the Moscow museum who was reported to be shouting that he saw terrible images moving within the picture. The man was identified as Igor Podporin who claimed he was overwhelmed by something. He later blamed vodka for his outburst. 

5-Love Letters 

Love Letters is a painting of a four-year-old girl Samantha Houston painted by Richard King in the style of a pre-existing work by Charles Trevor Garland. Samantha was the daughter of a Texan US Senator who died in 1887 aged four when she tripped and fell down a staircase as she chased a ball. It seems, as a tribute, The Driskill Hotel in Texas had an painting of her commissioned which still hangs there today on the fifth floor. It seems that Samantha’s spirit may have imprinted on the picture as guests say they have heard her giggling when they’re near the picture. Many guests report feeling like she is trying to tell them something, saying they have seen her expression change when they look at the picture. 

4-Moving Mourning Portrait 

A really scary video was uploaded to youtube on August 2008 by HauntingPainting. It is called Scary Ghost Girl Painting Movements Captured. Now the painting is of an unknown child in the 18th Century and is reportedly a Mourning Paint – a Memento Mori. This basically means the painting of a person who has died in order to remember them. It seems that this mystery girl is haunting her own painting. The narrator of the video says that she sometimes weeps and that occasionally her mouth opens. This moment was captured on camera hold on to your knickers. Yikes. A lot of people in the comments section are calling this fake.

3-Painting of a Headless man

Iam not okay with this painting. Why? Well because it at first looks like a nice little depiction of an old station wagon that is until you realise there is a freaking headless man hovering like a decapitated creep behind it. The artist, Laura P, painted this image in response to a photograph James Kidd had taken of a stagecoach stop in Tombstone Arizona. Her finished painting was hung at an office in Arizona, but after three days staff demanded it be returned to the artist. Workers said that their papers would go missing and that the painting seemed to always move. They reported that despite being constantly straightened, the painting would always become crooked on the wall. Laura then took the painting back and hung it at her home. Unfortunately for her, the weird occurrences and picture moving followed her! She said doors would start opening and closing on their own in the room the painting was in, and a glass smashed in her hand right in from of the picture. Laura has expressed a desire to have the image destroyed, regretting ever creating the painting. She is worried what will happen if she does, though. 

2-The Dead Mother   

Like Edvard basically just needed a hug. If you recognise his name, that is because this artist is the famous painter behind The Scream. Munch’s work is notoriously filled with pain and anguish, which is more likely than not down to his poor health and difficult upbringing. His mother died when he was 5 which probably explains this unsettling painting, the dead mother, completed in 1900. The picture is already scary to look at, but it gets even creepier when you hear what those who have owned it or worked with it in a gallery. Firstly, the little girls eyes are said to incessantly follow people wherever they go… but worse still, it is said that the sheets on the dead mothers bed rustle or move. Some have even sworn the little girl leaves the painting all together. 

1-Hands Resist Him 

Oh, this again. Ergh! The hands resist him painting gained notoriety in 2000 when it sold in eBay for just over 1000 dollars, claiming to be haunted. Reportedly three people involved with displaying the painting died including the art dealer and the art critic who first reviewed the piece. Hands Resist Him is a painting by Bill Stoneman, the name is said to come from a poem written by his wife about her husbands adoption. In the painting, a boy is seen standing next to a creepy-looking doll while disembodied hands paw at a glass panelled door behind him. The painting was found abandoned in a Californian Brewery, which is where it seems the couple who listed the painting on ebay found it. The wife: One morning our four and a half-year-old daughter claimed that the children in the picture were fighting and coming into the room during the night. Now I don't believe in UFOs or Elvis being alive but my husband was alarmed. To my amusement, he set up a motion-triggered camera for the nights.” The couple claim tat the motion camera captured the boy exiting the frame under duress from the doll. It is also thought the hands in the background move. The painting was bought by Gallery owner, Kim Smith, who shows it on request. She does so less and less nowadays as she said people keep complaining of falling ill after viewing the picture. Since gaining notoriety for Hands Resist him, Bill Stoneman has created a prequel and a sequel image. 

Well, this list has well and truly freaked me out! Which of these moving paintings did you find the scariest? Let me know in the comments section down below.