Top 10 oldest Technologies That Scientists Can't Explain

Top 10 oldest Technologies That Scientists Can't Explain

There are many things that science is still unable to explain it , and today We will talking about the top 10 OLDEST Technologies That Scientists Can't Explain.

10-Greek fire

Ancient scientists have given countless inventions to  humanity some inventions from ancient times still, remain a mystery though the Greek fire used by the Byzantine Empire in the seventh century is one of the  biggest secrets in science this was a liquid substance thrown from ships it  was impossible to extinguish with water and it spread quickly  this substance helped to defeat enemies in many naval battles, in fact, it has  served an inspiration for the famous wildfire on the series Game of Thrones  National Geographic got closer to making this fire by the creation of a  flamethrower built with a brass tube and a mixture of oil and pine resin however  there is a belief that the Greek fire contained naphtha sulphur and ammonia  among other substances the components of the Greek fire were a well-kept secret  nowadays historians and chemists continue to look for the way to  reproduce the formula of the Greek fire that seems to have lost in time.

9-Damascus  steel

The Christian soldiers who fought in the Crusades came across a type of  weapon that had never been seen before the swords carried by the Islamic  military were constructed with the Damascus steel the strength flexibility  and wave-like patterns made them completely unique it is a fact that they  could cut a still prevail in the air and they could slice a rock without damaging  the blade sharpness these swords were made of crucial steel meaning steel made  with a different heating and cooling techniques moreover, they were made with  a mixture of iron mineral wood leaves and coal however, the specifications for  making these swords disappeared when the last blacksmiths who made them died in  the year 1700 competence universe stay in Madrid Spain states that they  have unveiled the secret to make these swords in fact, they have the patent to  forge steel swords with a high content of carbon nevertheless there are still  debates by experts in metallurgy about the real manufacturing of Damascus steel.

8-The Voynich manuscript

Wilfrid Voynich a Lithuanian antiquarian of  Polish origin got a manuscript by an anonymous author the content of this  manuscript is still, unknown Voynich spent his life trying to find out the  secrets of the document the book known as the Voynich manuscript honoring  voyages name has 246 pages and it is written in an alphabet that nobody has  been able to identify it is an undecipherable language in 2009 carbon  dating technique was performed on this manuscript  hence it found out that the manuscript was from the 15th century this  manuscript has hundreds of drawings that allow dividing the content of it into  sections such as botany biology and astrology it also has miniatures of  naked women and water or walking in the water and they are interacting by means  of tubes or capsules these miniatures are very strange considering the age of  the document it has become the most researched puzzle that has to be solved.

7-The Antikythera mechanism 

This corded brass object that seems useless is actually a 2,000 years old  analog computer the Antikythera mechanism was recovered from the bottom  of the sea in 1901 near Antikythera island greece it is divided into 82  pieces the device is a complex clock mechanism system made up of many brass  gears antiques experts have found out that this system was used to calculate  the moon phases and the lunisolar calendar  it could also forecast eclipses and be used to plan the exact date of the  Panhellenic games such as Olympic at critical games moreover it was also used  to show the planet movements known by that time to study its mechanism a  special tomograph built for the investigation of this ancient object the  similar technology was not developed until the Scientific Revolution between  the 16th and 17th centuries so it's a real mystery to know who made this  device and how its creator got the necessary knowledge to make a futuristic invention at that time.

6-Shang hang seismograph

Present-day  seismographs have nothing to do with the first earthquake detector in history  Zhang hang a Chinese scientist and an astronomer from the East Han Dynasty  this seismoscope in the year 132 ad it is a copper vessel with dragon  heads aiming at the cardinal points beneath the dragon heads  there are various toads with open mouths when there was an earthquake a bronze  bar fell into one of the toads mouth indicating where the earthquake had  taken place and this device is able to detect earthquakes occurring 600  kilometers away some theorists believe that it is a system based on a free  swinging pendulum driven by inertia, however, the operation of this device is  one of the biggest mysteries in history the original seismograph does not exist  anymore and most of its replications are used just for decoration  there is a functional replica of this device in the History Museum in Beijing.

5-Ulfberht Sword

Many tombs from the Viking Age have been discovered  all over the north of Europe archaeologists have found inside the  tombs a total of 171 Ulfberht Sword, these swords were made with  techniques that were very advanced for that age they got their name from the  inscription plus Ulfberht on their blades the meaning of this word is still  unknown these swords are made of 99.9% pure metal which was free from slag also  having an almost perfect carbon balance according to experts the technology to  make these swords was superior at that time this technology did not appear but  800 years later in other regions it is similar to the one used for making  Damascus steel in 2014 a 9th-century tomb was found in Scandinavia this tomb  had an Islamic inscription this finding makes scientists think that there may be  a link between Viking swords and the weapons used centuries later by the  Arabian militaries in the Crusades however no evidence has validated this coincidence.

4-The iron pillar of Delhi 

Time is a deadly enemy of ancient monuments that causes maximum damage  that's why this iron pillar weighing 6 tons and 7.21 meters high which is not  rusted during more than 1600 years it is still an engineering mystery located in  Delhi India the only clue about its origin is the inscriptions on the metal  they can be perfectly seen after centuries of exposure to the natural  environment many scientists think that the mild weather in the area does not  affect this big iron mass others suggest that phosphorus is a component of the  pillar and there is no sulphide and manganese in its structure which could  contribute to the good condition of the monument however all scientists agree  that this big iron monument is a living testimony of the wisdom of India's  former inhabitants.

3-The Phaistos Disc

Luigi Pernier, an Italian  archaeologists discovered the fastest disc on the Greek island of Crete in  1908 this disc also known as the rosetta stone of the Minoan civilization and  made from baked clay is 15 centimetres in diameter and dates back to the late  Minoan Bronze Age it is engraved on both sides with a spiral of 242 symbols the  real meanings of these symbols are still unknown there are some theories about  the symbols they seem to be printed with a kind of seal this fact makes  historians think that this is probably one of the oldest printed documents in  existence or this object might have been used as a seal itself and may be  considered the first printing attempt it is also believed that this disc was a  musical score or even an asset inventory a calendar or a game a true thing is  that present time experts consider it a jigsaw puzzle.

2-Roman dodecahedron

Despite the fact, Roman civilization has been  studied for centuries still it is full of mysteries one of those mysteries is  the Roman dodecahedron it dates back 200 years and it is a hollow object with 12  sides made up of brass or stone each side has a pentagonal shape and a hole  in the center hundreds of these devices have been found from Wales too hungry  especially in Germany France and Italy its size varies between 4 centimeters to  11 centimeters however no document has information about its existence or  purpose this is weird considering that Roman civilization kept the records of  almost everything there is a belief that these dodecahedron were used as candle  holders dice gauges for water pipes or simply as a solid foundation to support  the Roman eagle symbol it is also possible to think that these objects  were used for religious purposes or fortune-telling there is no doubt that  this is a multi-purpose mysterious object.

1-Giant stone spheres 

More than 500 pre-columbian stone spheres were discovered in the Sierpe district,  in the south of Costa Rica in 1939 the size of the stones ranges from  30 to 257 and they weigh between two kilos and 16 tonnes it was concluded  that Costa Rica's indigenous people used advanced cutting and polishing  techniques to transform blocks gia rites and igneous rock into spheres of the  perfect finish moreover, it is believed that a superior method to transport  these spheres was also used experts state that these spheres are a mystery  not because of their construction but because of what they represent nobody  has figured it out yet many of these stones have been moved or exploited by  treasure hunters this situation has become an obstacle for investigation  some of these stones were placed near human and animal statues few data  suggests that this group of rocks my been used as an astronomical calendar  but the only truth is that there are not spheres like these in any other place on  this planet.    

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