Top 10 Strange Things Found in Outer Space

Top 10 Strange Things Found in Outer Space 

We've discovered a lot about space as a  species over relatively short existence  in this universe we visited the moon and  we now have data and information on an  ever-expanding multitude of planets that  are in and around our solar system some  things astound and amaze us and some  things we find are just downright  strange this list is for those things  here are the 10 strangest things found  in space.   

10-The taste of raspberries and ROM  

Yes we're starting as we mean to go on  with this list  scientists have sifted through reams and  reams of signals sent back to us from  near the center of our galaxy the  location they're most focused on is  known as Sagittarius b2 a large dust  cloud that exists at the epicenter of  the Milky Way there they found a large  quantity of a material called ethyl  formate you may not have heard of this  material but it turns out  this is the  chemical that gives raspberries their  taste and also rum its smell the  scientists were  actually desperate to  find amino acids as it would help them  in their search for exactly how life is  created but they were certainly not  disappointed with their find dr. bilac  of Cornell University said that out of  50 molecules discovered in the survey  two of them had not been seen before  just more proof that scientists are making groundbreaking discoveries every single day so be careful if you find yourself out near Sagittarius b2 you might become very drunk.  
9-Hypervelocity stars    

Everyone's heard of shooting stars if  you're lucky you may have even seen one  they streaked across the  sky on a clear  night and are incredibly breathtaking  well I have some bad news for you and  then I have some worse news the bad news  is those weren't actually shooting stars  you saw what you saw was an asteroid  hitting the atmosphere of our planet and  combusting though they're called  shooting stars they're not technically a  star that's being catapulted through  space and  worse news is there is such a thing as a  shooting star but it's pretty terrifying  scientists know that there are a lot of  stars that travel in binary pairs  meaning that they spend their existence  together however if these stars are  situated around a black hole which stars  usually, are a pretty ridiculous thing  can happen if one star is sucked into  the black hole this can cause the other  one to shoot off into space due to the  loss of gravity these stars can reach  speeds of up to ten thousand kilometers  or six thousand miles per second and  travels so fast that they become  completely unable to slow down that's  nearly four times the speed of a pistol  bullet let that sink in for a second  shooting stars don't sound so magical  now do they.   


TheVoyager  spacecraftwas launched in the 1970s and  it continues its journey through space  it has sent back pictures of Jupiter  Saturn and an image where you can see us  from six billion kilometres away a tiny  little blue dot  in a vast amount of  nothingness what's even more  interesting  about Voyager is what was put onto it a  Golden Record was placed on the  spacecraft with  information about earth  contained on it this record  includes  photos of earth and people recorded  greeting  from the President of the  United States coordinates  to where  exactly the earth is located in the  solar  system and drawings of a man and a  woman the disc also included a lot of  music including Mozart Chuck Berry and  Blind Willie Johnson the Blind Willie  Johnson's song is a particularly  interesting choice as it's a very solemn  and sad song and Willie Johnson lived an  incredibly hard and impoverished life  but now his sad modes can be heard  throughout the universe. 

7-CFB  DSIR_149-0403

We often think of  planets as acting like the ones we know  well in our solar system as a controlled  mass that is happily floating around the  Sun it's nearest to with maybe a little  moon floating around it as well we think  of planets as part of a larger structure  like a solar system or a galaxy however  this is not always the case  as the next strange  thing in this lid  will prove the not very cash Lee named  cfb TSI r2 149 zero four zero three is a  free-floating planetary-mass located  near the constellation of Dorado the  team that discovered it initially  believed it to be a part of the a beader  oddest moving group but this was then  proved to be false which means that this  mass is not able to be classified as a  planet I can't help but feel bad for it to be honest  floating around space not quite a planet  not quite a rock doomed to a life of absolute solitude. 


Yes I had to put some in  this list  there are some sightings of UFOs in  outer space that are too engaging to  just be passed off as space debris one  of which comes to us from Russia and was  filmed by Musa mantorov in 1991 at the  MIR Space Station Musa looks to be  outside conducting some renovation or  construction on the outside of the space  station when acylindrical shape which  can only be a few hundred feet away from  him seems to hover near the space  station both Musa and a cameraman from  the partner space station instantly spotted the thing as the Sun shined off  of it causing it to flash Musa actually  went public with this sighting  disregarding any notion of it being a  piece of space debris and confirmed that  it was indeed a UFO another interesting  sighting of a UFO from space has been  popularly referred to as the Black  Knight satellite theory the photo  showing what looks to be some sort of  spacecraft was taken in 1998 during the  sts-88 mission but conspiracy theorists  claim to have dated its existence back  to 1899 when Nikolai Tesla conducted a  series of radio experiments that picked  up strange signals a multitude of  different instances are connected with  it - including a number of detections of  crafts in outer space though most people  believe these to be a load of unrelated  stories tied together by conspiracy  theorists the picture taken in 1998 is definitely pretty haunting. 

5-Galactic cannibalism

Now cannibalism is a concept that is  strange enough one is based on earth it  refers to a species eating and consuming  one of its own kind  what's just about the only thing that  can top cannibalism on the weird scale  that would be galactic cannibalism this  occurs when two galaxies  get too close  together one of the two galaxies will  suck the other one in using its  gravitational force and distort the  original galaxy this results in one  galaxy usually the bigger one in essence  eating the other one want to know  something even scarier  scientists believe that our very own  galaxy called the Milky Way was formed  when we collided with another more  ancient star system this is because  there are two distinct groups of stars  in our galaxy ones that are young and  part of a disc shape and once that are  much older that form part of a halo  shape even stranger astronomers estimate  that our galaxy will collide with  another in the future given another 4.5  billion years and we think that the  Andromeda galaxy will eventually merge  with our own to create an elliptical  galaxy perhaps in the shape of a large  disk what's amazing about galactic  cannibalism as well is that it can birth new stars because when galactic clouds form together they can create new stars so it's not all absolutely terrifying.

4-Large quasar group

Aquasar  group is a collection of astronomical  structures formed around supermassive  black holes they're thought to be the  largest objects in our known universe  the first ever quasar discovered was  found back in 1982 but many have been  found since then including one  hilariously known as the huge large  quasar group this particular one was  found by Roger close and his colleagues  at the University of Lancashire in 2013 another prominent quasar is the supermassive J0100+2802 scientists believe that this hyper luminous quasar group was formed only a  billion years after the Big Bang which startled them considering how close that  is to thevery beginning of our universe  another large entity that has been  troubling scientists has come to be  known as the Iranian is super void why  such a scary name well because from what  those that study it can gather it's an  entity that spans around 1.8 billion light-years and is filled with  absolutely not  this was theorized after studying the Cosmic Microwave Background the  radiation left after the Big Bang and  finding a massive gap around three billion light years away from our Milky  Way some believe it to be a black hole and if this is true then I'm pretty scared of it. 

3-The Eye of Sauron

It turns out that the Dark Lord's  symbol isn't much of a fantasy there's a  start in the constellation of Pisgah  sauce turnus that looks just like it our  eyes epicenter is known as FOMO halt  which we know to be the 18th brightest  star in the night sky it is supposedly  twice the size of our Sun which explains  why we can see it so clearly but the  real magic happens when FOMO halt is  observed under infrared light we begin  to see a huge ring of debris surrounding  it which could possibly be new planets  that are forming with the stars their  center all in all is a pretty scary  image and guess what the universe has  given us a hand to go with this I  elephant trunks of interstellar gas and  dust near the Eagle Nebula were pictured  by the Hubble telescope in 1995 the  photo which was named the number one  space photograph taken by Hubble shows  us what looks like a huge hand reaching  up into the cosmos it's actually  composed of 32 different images which  gives you an idea of the pillar size  it's absolutely breathtaking that such  beauty can exist at such gargantuan size.  

2-the face on Mars

This  incredibly famous picture was taken in  1976 by the Viking 1 spacecraft as it  was picturing what was known as the  cydonia and Mesa on Mars it captured a  picture of what looked to be a humanoid  face this caused a lot of people to  think that we had finally found life on  Mars but it was dismissed by scientists  as a trick of the light and shadow  Viking actually went back and  photographed the same area and lo and  behold the face was no longer there  but this isn't to say strange things  don't happen on the Red Planet over the  course of a few weeks, the Mars rover  captured something interesting in the  first picture we just see a pretty  normal picture of Mars terrain but in  the second there's something new in the  frame many people have argued about what  it might be the simplest explanation  being a rock that the rover kicked up  but it's still strange  and here's another strange formation  found in space this image of a crater  formation on Mercury which looks a bit  too much like Mickey Mouse doesn't it  disney is definitely hiding something. 

1-55 Cancri

55 Cancri is a Sun  that is located 41 light years away from  our solar system in the constellation of  cancer it has what was thought to have  four other exoplanets orbiting it later  found out to be five all sounds pretty  normal right well the one planet we need  to focus on is 55 Cancri E it's about 2  times the size of our earth and  scientists have said that at least a  third of the planet's mass is made up of  pure diamond this is the first glimpse  of a planet that has a completely  different makeup to earth and it's  pretty impressive though such worlds  have been theorized before 55 Cancri E  is the first ever diamond planet to be  located. 

Which oddity from space did you think was the most interesting let me know in the comments down below.