Top 10 Unusual Vehicles

Top 10 Unusual Vehicles 

Cuban fantasy is capable of pretty much anything especially when it comes to creating a unique vehicle, hi there and today we present you the most unusual vehicles.

10-Jet surf   

This  is not the usual surfboard with a motor  it was coined in 2008 by the Czech  Martin sulla Martinis the lead engineer  for many years he developed engines and  spare parts for Audi and BMW have gone  on vacation to Hawaii he decided to go  surfing after spending a few days trying  to grab away for long hours in order to  hold on to it for only a few minutes  Martin decided to improve the process he  began to develop mechanical surfing with  a motor that allows him to be on the  crest of a wave in just a few seconds  later it turned out that jet surf is  also perfect for a smooth wave it can do  high jumps up to 2 or 3 meters  ride the way from a boat overcome slalom  distances and go on long journeys along  picturesque rivers and lakes a fun ride  with jet surf is easy by just shifting  the riders center of gravity while  demonstrating high maneuverability the  unique technical the device has an engine  capacity from 90 to 100 cubic  centimeters depending on the model and  can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per  hour all models are equipped with a 0.7  gallon tank which last two to two and a  half hours of riding at a moderate speed  the weight of a mechanical board  assembled with a motor and a full tank  of gasoline is 40.8 pounds it can  be safely transported on a plane as  sports baggage jet surf cost about  $14,000 but despite the high price it instantly gained popularity all over the world. 

9-Electric skateboards 

Recently Electric skateboards have been  getting smaller and lighter but company  Raval from Slovenia has other goals  there see one in has a carbon fiber  construction but it does not aspire to  be the lightest or smallest a  distinctive feature of Reval see one in  is the presence of two batteries thanks  to which it can travel up to 25 miles  without recharging the design also  provides two 2000 watt electric motors  allowing acceleration to up to 30 miles  per hour for maximum convenience the  developers have provided three different  modes of travel fast economical and  individual in which the owner can adjust  the necessary parameters the electric  skateboard is controlled by a special  joystick with a display which displays  data of the battery status speed and  driving mode the base model equipped  with one battery cost about 3,300  dollars.
8-DTV shredder 

DTV shredder this is a very  unusual unit which is a personal vehicle  based on two tracked tracks and equipped  with a 200 cubic centimeter Honda  gasoline internal combustion engine the  maximum traveling speed is 30 miles per  hour and the power reserve of the device  is one hour at maximum speed to date  there are two main ways to control DTV  shredder with the help of the steering  wheel which was taken from a Segway or  through the remote control which the  operator can hold in two or in one hand  the so-called skate on caterpillars  rides perfectly on snow stones mud sand  and also climbs on obstacles with an  angle of inclination up to 40 degrees  and even copes with jumping such a  device is perfect for all lovers of  outdoor activities.   
7-Electric scooter C1 

Company litt Motors has developed a  prototype electric scooter called the c1  the model is a two-wheeled vehicle  equipped with a gyroscope thanks to the  gyro the c1 liked scooters in Segway it  is stable even in a collision  this innovation significantly increases  the safety of passengers of this vehicle  c1 is equipped with electric motors with  a total capacity of 40 kilowatts located  under the wheels and the gyros are under  the hull the model is fully charged in  four to six hours the charge is enough  to drive 150 to 200 miles this  eco-friendly electric bike is ideal for  short journeys around the city it is  quite spacious and accommodates both the  driver and passenger you can buy this  miracle of technology for about $16,000. 

Ego the first compact semi submarine  submarine in the world was created in  Korea this innovative vessel gives the  passenger the opportunity to contemplate  underwater life in a closed capsule  submerged underwater or thanks to the  upper deck to enjoy the scenery on the  surface this boat is designed for two  people only so much can simultaneously  be in the lower part thanks to a special  camera in screen you can remotely  control the submarine it can move at  speeds up to five miles per hour and  batteries can allow you to move on one  charge up to nine hours unfortunately  the price of such a boat is still  unknown. 

5-Smart  rollerskates 

If you like rollerblading or  just looking for a new and original way  to get around the city streets then you  definitely should pay attention to the  action our rocketskates developers from  Los Angeles offer everyone to buy smart  rollerskates worn over your regular  shoes these rollerskates are equipped  with electric motors just clip them on  over your shoe and that's it no remote  controller required just move as you're  used to your hands will be free while  the skates will maintain the necessary  speed automatically  the rollerskates are in constant contact  with each other through the network  which allows them to maintain the same  speed and this in turn will eliminate  the spreading of your legs to the sides  these skates will also interact with the  official smartphone app which will allow  you to monitor their status customize  them collect mileage data and even  publish the results of your races on  social networks the retail price of the  skates is about 400 to 500 dollars. 

4-Jet capsule 

The  Italian company jet capsule specializing  in the creation of small Yass presented  a project of an unusual floating house  called UFO 2.0 the name of the water  home worth one hundred and fifty  thousand dollars stands for unidentified  floating object the ship really looks  like a classic flying saucer the design  of UFO 2.0 assumes the presence of three  tiers at the top as the navigators place  and desktop there is also a proposal to  install a hot tub the main tier includes  a kitchen and large bathroom the outer  area of the yacht will be occupied by  various seating areas and sun beds  finally the lower tier is planned to be  made underwater there is a bedroom  through the windows of which the host  and guests of the dwelling can admire  the sea world the ship will receive  energy due to numerous solar batteries  wind turbines and hydro turbines and two  engines will allow the ship to reach  speeds up to ten miles per hour. 

3-Mini  helicopter  

Many residents of large cities are used  to being bogged down for hours and huge  traffic jams they have all dreamed of  how great it would be if their cars  could move through the air  the Spanish designer Hector Del Amo who  developed the concept of the mini  helicopter zero helicopter the ideal  urban transport of the near future  dreams of this the helicopter got its  name zero for its minimalistic design  and the characteristic shape of the  cabin resembling either a zero or the  letter O miniature several times smaller  than the original zero helicopter  helicopter the  signed only for one person an aircar  driver for the navigator or the  passenger of the second seat there is  not as there is no door light and a  smart concept helicopter zero helicopter  can be called an air motorcycle whose  task is to deliver the pilot from point  A to point B in the shortest amount of  time therefore there is a high  probability that when zero helicopter  goes into production many bikers will  switch from a two-wheeled horse into a  flying one. 
2-Underwater scooter 

The omastar company from  Florida developed the AA star AES 2  electric scooter will turn underwater  walks into pure pleasure you can learn  to use in just a couple minutes and do  not need any special knowledge or skills  the underwater scooter is designed for  one to two people who will look at an  underwater world from a transparent dome  into which breathing air is supplied  from oxygen cylinders such a vehicle can  dive to a depth of 40 feet and move at a  speed of 4 miles per hour the power  plant is powered by lithium ion  batteries capable of up to  two-and-a-half hours of battery life the  air supply on board if there are two  passengers should be enough for 70  minutes divers can also freely step out  of the submarines to explore the seabed  in such a device cost about $16,000. 

1-Rhyno unicycle

Rhyno unicycle is a breakthrough in the  world of moto technologies, it works on  electricity and is equipped with a  reliable balancing system due to which  it is simply unrealistic to fall from it  or roll over by inability those who have  already managed to ride on this miracle  of technology argue it is much easier to  master it than a regular motorcycle it  is enough to drive just a few meters the  premium of this product is due to the  high cost in small batches becoming a  happy owner of a mono, cycle is not so  easy today there are little more than  100 units in the world and even those  belong to people who occupy the first  places on the Forbes list Rhino can  reach speeds of up to 20 miles per hour  and the ease of handling smooth  cornering and stability are simply  amazing Rhino is so compact that it  takes up only half the trunk of a car  registering this as a vehicle is not  necessary the Rhino is a pleasure to  drive even in a crowd of people the  battery life without problems is enough  for 25 miles you can control the monocycle by tilting your body this  relationship is very sensitive which  allows you to quickly respond to  different situations when driving this  is another plus - security when the  weight is redistributed or the torso  angle changes the monocycle will react  at the same second with all the unusual  design a number of necessary and  familiar controls have not gone away  there is a gas and a brake on the  steering wheel so control is really in  your hands. 

And what do you think about  these vehicles would you like to have  any of them write your opinion in the  comments.