Top 10 Things You LOVE About In-N-Out Burger

 Top 10 Things You LOVE About In-N-Out Burger 

In-N-Out Burger may not have the brand recognition  or global footprint of McDonald's, but it  is a beloved regional chain in California  and the Southwest. Founded in California in  1948, In-N-Out Burger has worked to create  a loyal following with fresh ingredients for  a menu that focuses on quality over quantity.  So without further ado, here are the Top 10  Things We Love About In-N-Out Burger.  

10-  Monkey Style at In-N-Out

If you’re a fan of In-N-Out Burger you may  know that the family-owned fast food chain  offers a "secret menu" for customers in the  know. Much of the secret menu is common knowledge,  such as the animal style burger: a mustard-grilled  patty with added pickle, extra spread, and  grilled onions. However, there is also a slightly  more secret "secret menu" that is a little  more obscure. For example, the Monkey Style  burger consists of an order animal style fries  served on top of a hamburger. This item is  apparently for those customers who like their  fries on their burger instead of with it.  However, there is a catch to ordering a Monkey  Style burger. The catch is that the In-N-Out  kitchen crew will gladly make the burger and  the animal style fries for you, but you'll  have to put the two great tastes together  to complete the monkey style madness before  enjoying your secret menu selection. Some  customers are annoyed that they have to take  this extra step themselves. The restaurant  chain is firm on this point, although it is  not clear exactly what the reason is.  Feeling the In-N-Out love yet? Then if you’re  new to our channel share that love and hit  that subscribe button and ring that bell to  join our notification squad.  

9-In-N-Out is Simply The Best

In 2017 In-N-Out Burger, the California based  fast food chain won bragging rights because  of a vote proclaimed it to have the best burger  in America. Voters on the popular site  chose In-N-Out over several other burger chains  including Five Guys, and Whataburger. In California,  In-N-Out is a somewhat revered company so  it would perhaps be more understandable if  the poll was just California customers. Business  Insider took exception to Ranker's poll;  the magazine was adamant that In-N-Out burgers  are good, but a little overrated. Perhaps  strong loyalty to the brand and a bit of nostalgia  combined to give In-N-Out a boost in the poll.  Whether they’re the absolute best or not,  there’s no denying the burgers are fresh  and tasty, and the experience at an In-N-Out  is always appreciated, thanks to friendly,  well-trained employees and the fresh fries  made-to-order as you watch.  

8-Fresh Food Quickly at In-N-Out  Fast

Fast food chains are probably most known for  pushing food out to their customers quickly  using efficient food preparation techniques.  This process doesn't necessarily result in  the best tasting food you can buy, but when  you want a meal fast you don't go to the Cheesecake  Factory. Some chains do a better job than  others of balancing convenience and the quality  of their food. In-N-Out prides itself on using  fresh ingredients and preparing all meals  to order instead of just using frozen foods  and allowing burgers and fries to sit under  heat lamps waiting to be sold. While waiting  for your order at an In-N-Out you can watch  the kitchen staff slicing up fresh whole potatoes  before deep frying them for waiting customers.  For fans of the California-based fast food  chain, the extra wait is well worth it to  get fresh, tasty burgers and fries. It's still  fast food, but it's just done a little bit  better than most of the competition is willing  to do it. The fact that In-N-Out isn't quite  as fast as some of the competition is one  of the things customers love about their favorite  burger chain. The chain's loyal customers  know from experience that the made-to-order  meals are worth the wait and it keeps them  coming back for more. It's one of the things  we love about In-N-Out. 
7-In-N-Out Burger Keeps It Simple  

In this era of ever-expanding fast food menus  that try to cater to every taste, In-N-Out  Burger has steadfastly stuck to its basic  menu. This burger chain was founded in 1945,  but its menu still consists of hamburgers,  cheeseburgers, fries, sodas, and shakes. Just  to cover all its bases the chain also serves  coffee and hot chocolate. Compare this limited  list of fast food staples with the encyclopedic  menus at some of the popular fast food chains.  Taco chains that sell burgers and burger chains  that sell tacos don't make sense to the owners  of In-N-Out. They strongly believe in the  principle of quality over quantity. The company's  success has come from its loyal customers  responding to quality burgers and fries. This  is mostly why people go to fast food restaurants  - to get the tastiest burgers and fries they  can get. In-N-Out concentrates on this and  leaves the pizza and nuggets to others. Most  In-N-Out customers really aren't interested  in In-N-Out chicken sandwiches or quesadillas  because they can get those items somewhere  else. The chain offers milkshakes made with  real ice cream in vanilla, chocolate, and  strawberry. The "secret menu" allows you to  order a Neapolitan milkshake that combines  the three flavors as well as variations of  the burgers. A 4x4 is four patties and four  slices of cheese, protein style is a patty  wrapped in lettuce.  These "secret" items  are actually just special requests instead  of items listed on the regular menu.  

 6-Service With A Smile at In-N-Out   

Apple and Facebook are two companies known  for treating their employees generously, but  according to some surveys, In-N-Out Burger  beats them both. While its true workers at  the fast-food chain are paid well, their satisfaction  comes from more than money. The chain's employees  tend to say that they find their work more  rewarding and challenging than their counterparts  at the big chain restaurants. These positive  experiences have tended to make In-N-Out employees  more loyal to the company than is usually  the case in the high turnover fast food industry.  In-N-Out has been able to maintain a fairly  family owned/small business culture at its  restaurants despite recent efforts to expand  into other markets. This is in contrast to  some of the big burger chains with big corporate  cultures to match. Employees at In-N-Out like  to see themselves more as a part of a family  or a small team than a group of nameless cogs  in a giant corporate machine. This social  dynamic mirrors the different ways In-N-Out  Burger and its competitors produce their food.  In-N-Out continues to be committed to serving  fresh cooked-to-order burgers and fries to  a relatively small client base while the big  burger chains have long embraced more of an  assembly line approach to serving millions  of customers all around the world. 
5-Float Your In-N-Out Root Beer Boat

Many of the items on In-N-Out's "secret menu"  are widely known to customers such as the  animal style burgers and fries and the 4x4  burger. However, there are some lesser known  items that are actually a bit more of a "secret."  The In-N-Out root beer float is one of these  items, but it's really a no-brainer, isn't  it? The burger chain sells root beer and it  sells vanilla milkshakes so it seems inevitable  that at some point these two delicious treats  would be combined into one even better treat.  Well, this is exactly what happened. Some  In-N-Out customers have described this root  beer float as more of a root beer milkshake  than a traditional float you might have made  at home because it is made, not with a scoop  of ice cream, but with a small amount of the  chain's real ice cream vanilla milkshake.  Describe this delicious treat any way you  like, but the fact is the In-N-Out root beer  float is a good reason to love In-N-Out - a  customer friendly burger chain willing to  do a little extra for its customers. It might  be possible to get the root beer float with  either the chocolate or the strawberry milkshake  if vanilla doesn't float your boat. If you  don't like root beer you might be able to  get a Coke float with one of the milkshake  flavors. 
 4-Going Off Menu With an In-N-Out 4x4   

The 4x4 burger at In-N-Out is exactly what  it sounds like: four beef patties and four  slices of cheese on a bun. This burger is  one of the most popular items on the popular  burger chain's "secret" menu. The patties  are fairly small so it's not quite an obscene  amount of food, but you'd better bring a healthy  appetite if you intend to take on this substantial  burger. Four patties stacked on a bun can  be a little difficult so have extra napkins  handy because all this cheese and spread can  get messy. But once you accept the idea that  you're going to get a little greasy you'll  enjoy the 4x4 in the spirit it’s intended  and it clearly seems intended to appeal to  people who are intent on proving that a regular  burger or even a Double-Double just isn't  enough to satisfy their carnivorous craving  for In-N-Out burgers. But if you feel like  you've bitten off more than you can chew in  one sitting after ordering a 4x4 burger you  can always divide the sandwich into a pair  of Double-Doubles minus a top bun of course.  This way you'll get two smaller, more manageable  meals out of the one hefty 4x4 burger.  

3- Last Stand Of The In-N-Out 100x100

In-N-Out's 100x100 burger has become something  of a legend in the fast food community. Some  people think it’s just a tale told by hungry  kids with too much time on their hands, but  the story is true. The story goes that back  in 2005 on Halloween night a group of friends  went into their local In-N-Out in Las Vegas,  Nevada and made an unusual request. The helpful  In-N-Out staff accommodated them. A few minutes  later they left the restaurant with a monster  burger made with 100 beef patties and 100  slices of cheese between a single bun. This  is how the legendary 100x100 burger was born.  The hungry group of friends were charged for  one Double-Double burger plus 98 additional  beef patties. This hungry group of friends  revealed that their bill came to a substantial  $97.66 that they gladly paid. This mega-burger  creation caused something of a stir on social  media when the pictures were posted. Apparently,  others have tried to get their In-N-Out to  make them a 100x100. Unfortunately for gluttons,  the blogosphere reports this is one request  that In-N-Out will no longer fulfill. You  can't really blame the company because even  though the young men probably believed they  were carrying out a harmless goof it feels  more like an abuse of the fun "secret" menu  concept that many customers enjoy. 

 2-Exit Through The In-N-Out Gift Shop

Merchandising is an important part of a successful  company's branding efforts as well as an important  source of revenue. If you doubt this just  ask The Walt Disney Company. In-N-Out Burger  is a successful company to be sure, but a  relatively modest fast food chain when compared  to the behemoths like McDonald's. In-N-Out  has an impact on California food culture that  is outsized because of customer loyalty, the  mobile food trucks deployed for special events  and because of the attention to merchandising.  They even have a 1:64 scale model of the In-N-Out  Peterbilt big rig truck. In-N-Out has cultivated  a different kind of relationship with its  customers. Have you ever seen random people  wearing baseball caps with a McDonald's logo  on it? The fact is you do see people wearing  In-N-Out hats because they are willing to  show an extra level of support. You can also  find people wearing In-N-Out t-shirts with  various images including the classic logo,  the crossed palm trees, and some classic car  designs. McDonald's is a universal brand with  stores that are often adapted to their locations.  In-N-Out, however, has tapped into Southern  California's historic hot rod and surfing  cultures of the 1960s offering people a taste  of the Golden State's glory days.   

1-Too Little Of A Good Thing at In-N-Out

In January 2015 In-N-Out Burger celebrated  the opening of its 300th location. As popular  as this fast-food chain is in California and  growing parts of the western United States  it is a relatively small operation that remains  a family-owned company. The family has repeatedly  rejected offers to franchise the business.  This is the opposite approach taken by a big  chain like McDonald's that seems to have a  master plan to put its restaurants in as many  locations as possible. McDonald's boasts a  global presence with nearly 37,000 store locations  in more than 100 countries around the world.  In-N-Out's limited number of locations increases  each individual In-N-Out location's value.  Their relative scarcity is seen as a virtue  in the sense that because there isn't an In-N-Out  Burger on every corner you might feel compelled  to go to the one you do find. Apparently the  famous British chef Julia Child kept a list  of In-N-Out Burger locations handy so when  she was traveling in California she would  always know where she could find one as she  traveled around the state. It's well established  that the company's loyal customers are willing  to go a little out of their way to enjoy their  favorite burgers and fries. Although, it can  be a little frustrating to have to pass a  few McDonald's and Del Tacos before reaching  an In-N-Out the extra effort makes the food  taste that much better.   
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