Top 10 Surprising Antique Roadshow Discoveries

 Top 10 Surprising Antique Roadshow Discoveries 

Since Antiques Roadshow premiered in the  UK in the late 70s its roving band of  Antiques appraisers have been helping  everyday people discover the true value  of their possessions the American  version of the show premiered in 1997  and quickly became the most popular show  on PBS helped along by a number of truly  awesome and even newsworthy discoveries  made by its appraisers if you happen to  have some old family heirlooms in the  attic you might want to check to see if  they're coming to your town you just may  end up a lot richer for the experience  here are 10 of the most amazing  discoveries ever made by Antiques  Roadshow US. 

10-Seymour card table

Claire Wiegand Beckman had  no idea what she had on her hands when  she brought her find a small mahogany  card table she had found at a garage  sale 30 years prior to the Secaucus New  Jersey Roadshow way back in 1998 she  described it as a moldy mess but she was  so taken with its style that she paid  $25 for it after talking the owner down  from 30 appraiser Lake Kenna notice that  the underside of the table featured a  faded label which could still be read  John Seymour and Sons of Boston whom he  described as very distinguished cabinet  makers who made fine furniture for some  of the wealthiest families in Boston at  the time it turned out that the time he  was speaking of was the 18th century and  after restoration the table was in  remarkably good condition with its  original finish and craftsmanship  quino's ton Wiegand Beckman when he  appraised the piece of an astonishing  250,000 dollars however he was a little  off the mark  when the unassuming card table went up  for auction at South base it fetched  over twice that the final sale price  541,500 dollars. 

9-Navajo Blanket

Appraiser Donald Ellis  could hardly contain himself when he  laid eyes on the expertly woven Navajo  blanket which Arizonian Ted Koontz had  brought to the roadshow in 2001 Koontz  told Alice that the blanket had been  given to the foster father of his  grandmother by the legendary  frontiersman Kit Carson and Ellis  recognized it immediately as an  excellent example of what he called a  ute first-phase wearing blanket made by  the Navajo between 1840 and 1864 a ute  chief the blanket was among the first of  its kind since it didn't feature any of  the jewelry or adornment seen in later  blankets of the same type with obvious  excitement Ellis went on to call it an  extremely rare find and the most  important item he had ever seen come  into the rode shelf Koontz who hadn't  the faintest idea what the piece might  be worth was absolutely floored to hear  Ellis appraisal of 350,000 to $500,000 the blanket which had  sat on Koontz bed as a child and had  spent years draped over a chair in his  house was sold at auction to an  anonymous buyer who proceeded to donate  the piece to the Detroit Institute of  Arts Koontz and his wife were able to  pay off their house help some friends  and relatives and put away a sizable  security net but other than that their  lifestyle didn't change much Koontz even  continued to work until the age of 74. 
8-Chinese cups horn cups

Collector Douglas Huber brought his  collection of Chinese cups carved from  rhinoceros horns to the Rhode show Tulsa  Oklahoma in 2011 he collected the 17th  and 18th century pieces in the 1970s  paying a total of about five thousand  dollars for the five piece collection  Huber came with high hopes that he might  have a hefty appraisal on his hands an  Asian art appraiser lark Mason didn't  disappoint explaining the history behind  each piece Mason went on to put each of  the cups values at between 185,000 $250,000 estimating that the entire  lot could go for as much as 1.25 million  dollars at auction Huber was  understandably blown away but when the  collection went up for auction in March  2012 it was a bit of a letdown  three of the pieces failed to sell but  the other two went for prices right in  line with Mason's appraisal the total  sale price for the two centuries old  cups $329,000. 

7-Auguste rodin bronze sculpture 

James Ken R came to the  Dallas Roadshow in 2016 with a bronze  sculpture which had belonged to his  father's great aunts and currently  belonged to his parents the piece was an  original Auguste Rodin the great French  sculptor whose work in the late 19th  century is considered highly innovative  and influential appraiser eric silver  was visibly excited while describing the  history of the casting which was titled  eternal spring and was what he described  as a lifetime casting meaning it was  created while Rodin was still alive  likely from his original sculpture  silver noted that virtually every  similar piece that comes through the  roadshow is a fake or reproduction but  not Kenner's after deeming it the real  deal he appraised the piece at 450,000  to 500,000 dollars a verdict that a  shocked Kenner was obviously not  prepared for further authentication on  the piece was later performed by the  committee Auguste Rodin in France the  official committee tasked with verifying  the artists original work they confirmed  that the pieces indeed an authentic  lifetime casting and will be added to  the register and Kenner and his parents  hoped to hit the jackpot when it goes up  on the auction block.
6-1907 robert   henry oil painting   

Pat Welsh didn't think she was sitting  on any hidden treasure when she brought  an old family portrait to the San Diego  Roadshow in 2011 the portrait of her  grandmother was created by the  influential American painter Robert  Henry commissioned by Walsh's  grandfather in 1907 for $4,500 a  princely sum over a century ago but  Welsh had contacted experts on the  artists work who had told her that it  wouldn't be worth much more than that  today since it wasn't a portrait of  anyone particularly notable according to  appraiser Peter Fairbanks they had been  way off the mark as an early work and an  interesting blending of styles Fairbanks  recommended that Welsh ensure the peace  for no less than 250,000 to 300,000  dollars Welsh was astonished to say the  least but told interviewers after the  appraisal that the portrait was going  right back where it had been before  hanging over her fireplace at home.
5-Frederic remington portrait and letter 

Ty  Dodge also brought a family portrait  when he paid a visit to the roadshow in  Birmingham Alabama in 2014 the portrait  was of his grandfather who had been a  friend of the artist American painter  and sculptor Frederick Remington  although painted in 1896 the painting  could almost be mistaken for a  photograph if not for the abstract  background a Remington trademark which  contrasts with the use of shadow and the  subjects textured realism appraiser  Colleen fess Co called it a great  example of Remington's characteristic  style of the time which had been  preserved in remarkably good condition  and along with the portrait was a letter  from the artist to the subject  reminiscing about their friendship and  adventures dodge had had the painting  appraised in the 1960s at a value of  $7,500 but as fess Coe put it the years  had been kind to dodge and to Frederick  Remington she placed the paintings value  between 600.000-800.000 dollars recommending  the dodge insure the work for no less  than the higher amount dodge described  himself as wildly exuberant which was  already pretty obvious from the look on  his face but he ended up donating the  piece to the Birmingham Museum of Art to  add to their collection of Remington's  works. 

4-1904 Diego rivera oil painting 

Vesko also presided over the appraisal  of an early work from an important  artist at the Corpus Christi Texas  Roadshow in 2012 Rowe Ferguson told her  that the painting by the famed Mexican  artist Diego Rivera had been in his  family for 80 years and had spent much  of that time hanging on the wall behind  a door in their house but fess Coe  positively gushed over the piece titled  al-albani or the laborer pointing out  that the artist created it when he was  only a teenager and calling attention to  a child  earlier version of his signature on top  of that it was one of only a handful of  mill Rivera works from this time period  and although art scholars have been  aware of its existence nobody had known  where it was for nearly 70 years  Ferguson had been aware of Rivera  stature as an artist and had had the  piece partially restored and exhibited a  few years earlier but even he was  shocked when fess Coe appraised the  piece at 800,000 to 1 million dollars  calling it a painting trifecta a piece  by an important artist with a great  history that's highly aesthetically  pleasing Ferguson was literally  speechless and has said that he intends  to make sure that the piece finds its  way to a museum where it belongs. 

3-Red stockings baseball archive 

One visitor to the New York Roadshow in 2014  who withheld her name for security  reasons knew that she had something  special her grandmother had run a Boston  area boarding house in the 1870s and had  once housed the Boston Red Stockings  the franchise which is today the Atlanta  Braves in 1871 when they were among the  very first teams ever to get paid for  playing professional baseball  the woman presented appraiser Lela  Dunbar with a collection of baseball  cards given by the team to their  landlady that were among the very first  ever to feature photographs also part of  the collection was a letter with  humorous sentiments from each team  member complaining about the meals and  accommodations a piece that Dunbar  called the crown jewel of the collection  it featured scribbles and autographs  from three future Baseball Hall of  Famers including future sports equipment  giant Albert Spalding and brothers  George and Harry Wright Dunbar  recommended that the woman ensured the  entire archive were absolutely no less  than the cool million dollars calling it  the greatest archive she had ever had at  the roadshow quite a bit better than the  $5,000 Alfred the woman had previously  received from a private collector. 

2-18th century qianlong jade collection 

In  Raleigh North Carolina in 2009 jinx  Taylor came to the roadshow with a  collection of ornate Chinese jade  carvings from the 18th century which her  father had collected in the 1930s and  40s Taylor said that she always thought  her father had great taste but she  didn't know just how good until  appraiser Jim Callahan an expert in  Asian art began pointing out details  that suggested the pieces true value of  particular note was a large bowl  featuring the inscription by imperial  order suggesting that the piece had been  commissioned for the Emperor himself  Callahan praised the workmanship of all  the pieces and Taylor's jaw dropped when  he began offering his separate  appraisals starting on the low end at  30,000 to 50,000  for one of the smaller bowls and ending  with the bowl with the Imperial  inscription which he appraised at a  whopping 400,000 to 600,000 dollars Callahan called  all of his estimates conservative and  put the value of the entire collection  between 710,000 and 1 million $70,000  Taylor was absolutely floored but later  told The Washington Post that she would  have to sell the collection and she  wouldn't be able to afford the insurance  of course there's a considerable silver  lining they're a gigantic financial  windfall which Taylor says she'll split  with her brother. 

1-Patek philippe pocket watch

Swiss watch  manufacturer Patek Phillipe is among the  most prestigious in the world and even  today their timepieces can retail for  thousands of dollars a visitor to the  2004 Roadshow in st. Paul Minnesota blew  away appraiser Paul Hart Quist with the  vintage model that had been handed down  from father to son for three generations  Hart Quist noted that timepieces complex  features including a front face split  chronograph and a rear face perpetual  calendar that even adjust for leap years  and the pieces excellent working  condition the man told hard Quist that  he'd had the watch appraised about 15  years prior at a value of about six  thousand dollars which Hart quiz  sarcastically called a little low he put  the watches value more in the  neighborhood of a quarter million  dollars but as it turned out he had been  a little low himself further  authentication revealed that the man's  grandfather had had the watch specially  made making it a one-of-a-kind piece  that was worth significantly more than  Harkless initial appraisal at an auction  at South bees in 2006 the family  heirloom fetched a staggering 1,541,212 dollars one of the  highest prices ever paid for an Antiques  Roadshow item.  

Did you know all of this  stuff going in leave us a comment let us  know what you're thinking and if you  like this list.