Top 10 Scary Satan Encounters

  Top 10 Scary Satan Encounters

Satans a bit of a mixed bag really.  Some believe hes a red creature with horns  and a tail, others believe he takes human  form and walks amongst us.  Regardless of whichever side you fall on,  one things for sure and thats that no one  wants to meet him.  Doesnt matter if he takes human form, demigod  form or centipede form.  But there are people out there who claim to  have met or interacted with him, so lets find  out what the hell happened when they did.  This is the Top 10 Scary Satan Encounters.
10-The Hand 

Starting us off with number 10 is The Hand.  This ones from Stephen Wagner who said his  dad told him this story.  Backi in 1942 in Juarez Mexico his dad was  around 20 years od and went to a circus that  was visiting town.  His younger brother came along and they didnt  really go to see the acts, they were more  interested in the freakshows.  Disappointed after seeing the performers they  were about to leave with 2 girls when they  ran into a short stubby man.  The stranger introduced himself as the greatest  illusionist in the world.  When asked if he was part of hte circus the  man said the owner turned him down because  his act was so frightening the owner said  he was satan himself.  Once they had their attention they invited  them back to his trailer n order to show them  the act.  Once inside the stranger put a glove on his  right hand, started running his left over  his right whilst wiggling his fingers.  He then started chanting bizzare words and  when he took the glove off everyones jaws  dropped.  The strangers hand was completely skeletal.  He turned it let them see the back it was  completely real.  His brother went closer to take a look and  the man grabbed his head and said he was really  about to show them something.  At this point everyone shat themselves and  made a run for it.  The stranger came out onto his porch laughing  and on the floor nearby was a bed of long  nails pointing up which he jumped onto.  Blood started coming out of his feet but he  was still laughing.  From that day onwards Stephens father and  brother knew they had met satan. 

9-Father Urbain Grandier   

Coming in at number 9 is Father Urbain Grandier  (your-ban grandee).  Father Urbain was a Roman Catholic priest  that lived in the Loudun (loo-da) part of  France.  He was under major scrutiny and received a  lot of criticism for ignoring his celibacy  vow.  If anything he was known for having sexual  relations with many women and as someone who  had an “elevated sense of lustful depravity.”  By 1632 he was accused of sending the demon  Asmodai to enchant a group of Ursuline (ursilin)  nuns into committing evil acts and becoming  his sex slaves.  As yknow priests do.  After numerous nuns made accusations of seduction  against him he was arrested.  Then acquitted and then rearrested.  During his second arrest he was tortured by  judges after which they revealed a contract  they found in his bedroom which indicated  he had signed a deal with Satan and a man  other demons.  They saw it as evidence of him making a diabolical  pact and convicted him of witchcraft and sentenced  him to death.  He was burnt at the stake. 

8-A Better Life 

At number 8 we have A Better Life.  This ones from redditor Kodas_Gaming who said  he had a rough upbringing.  His father abandoned his family and his mother  was a heroin addict.  He used to see her getting beat to a pulp  after which shed take out her frustrations  on him.  CPS ended up taking him and his brother away  but a few years later his mum was clean and  back with their dad and they regained custody.  They lived in a small house in Central Texas  and according to the user the house had a  terrifying aura.  Anytime he was home he felt like he was being  watched, especially in the bathroom and he  would have regular nightmares.  At this point in his life his mum was working  herself to death because their dad was a lazy  slob who did nothing.  She got so depressed she tried to take her  own life and desperate to help the user started  praying to god everyday.  But nothing changed.  He realised for something to change perhaps  he could call on the demonic entity that engulfed  his house.  He researched satanic rituals fr ages and  finally found the one he needed.  While his family were out he got on his knees,  wax coming down the candles hed lit, and cut  his hand and started drawing symbols on the  ground in his blood.  Obviously while crying the whole time because  who wouldnt cry after doing that.  He recited the words and made the deal.  Right after he did a cold breeze swept through  the house and everything went black.  Unphased because he expected something to  happen, he went to bed that night and had  the worst nightmare ever.  He saw himself in the bathroom in the mirror  with corpse grey skin, bloody tears and his  eyes were crimson too.  There was a noose around his neck as well.  During the dream he thought this cant be me  and then the reflection started laughing saying  it is now, you made the deal.  He woke up in the bathtub covered in scratches  and scars and it kept happening.  1 month later he started seeing things, hearing  things, his nail beds began to recede and  bleed, his canines became sharper.  He started full on hallucinating and having  visions of the past, of native people being  slaughtered.  And what did he get out of this?  Other than his mum getting a higher paying  job not much.  So moral of the story, know what youre getting  before you ask the devil for help. 
7-Joseph Smith  

Filling our number 7 slot is Joseph Smith.  Now Joseph was a mormon prophet in the early  1800s who claimed he encountered satan before  he saw Christ for the first time.  We have both big shots in one story how bout  that.  The story goes that despite never doing this  before, one day he decided he was going to  pray to god out loud.  He went into the woods on a sunny day and  knelt down read to pray.  But at soon as he did he said he felt he was  seized by a power that engulfed him entirely.  He said it was so powerful he tried to speak  but felt like his tongue was bound.  A thick darkness surrounded him and he thought  for sure he was going to die.  And i mean fair enough for being realistic.  He was ready to sink into this despair that  was around him but in one final hope he used  all his strength to call on God to get him  out of Satans hold.  Then all of a sudden he saw a huge pillar  of light over his head which came down on  him.  As the light rested on him he saw 2 personages  (person-idge) in the air above him.
6-Madame Lalaurie 

Now at number 6 is Madame Lalaurie.  Delphine Lalaurie has been mentioned many  times on this channel but just a quick recap  she was a big Creole socialite in New Orleans.  To the public that is.  Inside her house she tortured and killed the  majority of her slaves in a way you cant even  imagine.  In 1834 a house fire took over her mansion  and thats when she got exposed because authorities  found bodies upon bodies of bound or mutilated  slaves.  Ones stomach had been cut open and his intestines  were wrapped around his neck.  A bucket was also found with various organs  from various slaves.  A bucket, thats how much mass killing the  woman was doing.  Anyway with some stroke of luck she managed  to escape New Orleans and go to France but  many people believe she didnt just escape  due to luck.  She invented a religion involving voodoo and  black magic and on top of that people vehemently  believed she made a pact with the devil in  order to be able to still be wealthy, still  be free and escape, whilst committing these  horrendous acts.  I mean for me it was either the devil pact  or she paid a lot of important people to let  her go. 

5-The Satanic Cult  

Coming in at number 5 is The Satanic Cult.  This ones from Brad who said back in 2005  him and his friends spent one summer teepeeing  a lot of houses.  In the town they grew up in there were always  rumours of a Satanic Cult that operated around  a 10 minute drive away.  So one day they decided to go check it out  and teepee it.  Ballsy move.  The 5 friends went there the day of a full  moon which i guess is a part of every scary  story.  They bypassed the fence and ended up in a  garden closure and heard an eerie high pitched  sound.  Ignoring it they continued to explore, found  an old locked church and decided to leave.  When they got to their car their key which  was working perfectly 10 minutes prior just  stopped working.  The car alarm started going off and then it  magically unlocked.  They piled in and drove off and mid drive  the lights in the car went off.  The driver didnt press anything to cause it  it just happened.  Panicked they rushed home and when Brad got  to his front porch he found 3 identical black  cats.  Keep in mind he lives a good 25 miles away  from the cult.  He took the cats as a bad omen and decided  to take the cats a few miles out of town and  leave them there and the whole drive he was  being followed by two black cars despite taking  small dirt roads.  Now idk if people were just messing with him  or the satanic cult was there and saw him  and everything as their doing.  

 4-Giuseppe Tartini 

At number 4 is Giuseppe Tartini.  Now from the name doesnt he just sound like  a briliant Italian musician of some kind?  His name just has the ring to it yknow.  Anyway Tartini was an Italian composer and  violinist during the Baroque period.  He was very influential in Italy but what  he was also known for was his inferiority  complex and uncontrollable temper.  I can just see that equalling to a lot of  smashed violins.  Anyway the story goes that one day Tartini  heard Francesco Veracini playing the violin  better than him and he was fuming and also  dissatisfied with his own skills.  The event made him spiral into depression  for months, in that time he worked in solitude  and practiced 12 hours a day.  During this period its said he had a dream  in which the devil appeared and he met him.  He appeared at the foot of his bed and played  a sonata on the violin like he invented the  damn activity.  He offered him success in all his musical  dreams in exchanged for his soul.  Did he accept?  Well it was never confirmed.  But when he woke up the next day he wrote  down as much of the sonata as he could but  no matter how many times he played it, it  just wasnt as good as the devils version.  The sonata in question is called the Devils  Trill Sonata, his most well known piece and  iis quite hard to play even by todays standards.  But the fact he could never play it as well  as the devil i mean doesnt that indicate he  wasnt successful in everything he wanted to  be?  Am i the only one identifying this major plot  hole?
3-Gemma Galgani   

Filling our number 3 slot is Gemma Galgani.  Gemma was an Italian mystic later saint in  Italy during the late 19th century.  She believed that the devil was waging a personal  war against her, she said he loved giving  her horrible headaches to the point she couldnt  even pray.  I feel like that was just a bad migraine but  moving on.  She went on to say once she was writing at  her desk and the devil came and dragged the  her from the table by her hair with such force  that her hair came out in clumps.  In other attack the devil took the form of  a big black dog and put his paws on her shoulders  making her body ache all over, in another  she was drinking holy water and he twisted  her arm so backwards that she fell to the  ground in pain.  She said he even took on the form of people  she trusted or knew and once he even took  the form of an angel.  The worst incident though was when he started  giving her blows to the head, she ran to her  room but found him there with a rope.  He kept trying to get her to give in to the  wickedness and she kept resisting and so he  kept striking her with the rope as she was  on the ground.  He then threw her on the bed dragged her from  her and violently smashed her head against  the ground and she passed out.  Imagine all this happening in your room and  no ones there to help you.  Id be terrified.  But im also curious as to what form the devil  took when he attacked her. 


Now at number 2 is Steve.  This ones from redditor ShabbyBoa whos real  name is Steve and who used to be a trucker  for 30 years.  One night after a drop off he was on his way  back home when he stopped at a diner to pee.  It was completely empty no customers no staff  no one.  He quickly peed and when he came out a grey  haired man was sitting at the bar.  He told Steve he owned the diner and gave  him food and a drink.  When he got up to leave the man said Food  is not what you truly desired tonight.  Weirded out Steve left and got into his truck.  About an hour and a half later he had to pee  again and saw another small diner.  He went inside and again it was completely  empty save a grey haired man at the bar.  The same man, who said nice to have you back  steve as soon as he walked in.  Steve got pissed at this point thinking he  was being screwed with and demanded to know  what the guy wanted.  He said he was trying to help him.  He started asking about Steve and how he used  to have a family.  Steve told him his wife and daughter died  in a house fire years ago caused by faulty  wiring.  but the man questioned him saying it wasnt  just faulty wiring.  The faulty wiring was a happy coincidence  that just so happened to have happened the  same time Steve left a lit cigarette in the  house.  Steve fought with him more and in the end  the man offered him a deal.  He said he could bring back his wife and daughter  in exchanged for his soul after he died.  Thinking it was bullshit he agreed and left.  Before he did, he asked the man who he was  to which he responded im the devil.  That night he got home as if he never stopped  anywhere at all and when he entered the house  he heard his wife say Steve is that you, and  the small footsteps of his daughter.  But when they came down the stairs their skin  was charred black, chunks of it were falling  off, their clothes had fused and melted witt  their skin, Steve could barely hold in his  puke.  And at that point he realized hed made the  biggest mistake ever and that the next 30  years were gonna be hell.  Literally.   
1-The Man

And finally at number 1 is The Man.  This ones from V.R Gregg who said she met  the devil for the first time when she was  8 she was walking through a forest on her  way home when she encountered a black haired  man in a shabby suit.  Except one foot of his was a goat hoof and  the other was a rooster claw.  She could see it when she looked at him directly  but peripherally they looked normal.  She took him for a walk and then he left.  By the time she was a teenager she just assumed  the encounter was maybe a dream or that she  just imagined it.  But one day she was watching a news story  about a man who got away with killing his  wife.  As they showed the judge announcing the not  guilty verdict the murderer turned around  and smiled at a man behind him who wasnt his  lawyer.  She recognised him right away, black hair,  shabby suit, hadnt aged a day.  Her parents threw her a surprise 16th bday  to which no one came to.  She ran home crying and she knew no one came  because her classmate Erin had her party the  same day just to spite her.  That night she slept thinking about all the  horrible ways Erin could be punished.  The next day at the table her dad looked shaken.  He told her Erin had been found dead in the  park.  She met the devil the same day in her room  and he told her she had wanted it to happen  and he executed it for her.  He offered her a deal but thankfully the one  piece of common sense that 90% of people possess  it knowing that you should never make a deal  with the devil so she didnt.  The girl didnt see him again until the funeral  of her mother where he told her the doctors  lied to her about her mother dying peacefully.  That it was agony and no one was around to  help her.  She started screaming and her dad ran over  to her and made her sit down.  When she asked him where the black haired  man was he said you were standing alone and  just started screaming out of nowhere.
did you know all of this  stuff going in leave us a comment let us  know what you're thinking and if you  like this list.