Top 10 best-selling books in history

  Top 10 best-selling books in history

Today we're discussing and  ranking the best-selling books in  history and give you guys some of the  best titles and authors that should be  on your reading list if they aren't  already we also know that most of you  don't like to waste time reading bad  books so if you want to try the all-time  bestsellers here's your chance we did  our homework and put together ten of the  best-selling books that were ever  written and our classic books and  all-time favorites  unlike most religious writings and  medieval manuscripts that only depicted  life at the castle and the daily  struggles of ordinary people more recent  books especially after printers were  invented are fictional masterpieces that  managed to stay relevant for years and  to multiple generations reading is still  viewed as one of the most relaxing and  beneficial hobbies or habits that people  can easily pick up reading books can  significantly improve vocabulary  imagination and communication with  others you constantly learn something  new while you unwind and most  importantly you don't do any damage to  your eyes or your brain there's nothing  more sad than seeing people waste time  and refuse to hook up was a good book  that could possibly change their life or  at least the way they think and did we  mention that this is the best pick-up  line and conversation starter yes books  are amazing and we can't stop preaching  about reading since it's also a habit of  rich and successful people , so  without further adieu let's see which  authors made it into the Hall of Fame  list of the best-selling books in  history we have both women and men and  different genres but all in all only the  best books.  

10-Dan Brown, DaVinci  Code-   80 million copies  

Starting was a  best-seller from 15 years and the book  that made Dan Brown a best-selling  author The Da Vinci Code yes you've  definitely heard about this famous book  that was released back in 2003 it's been  15 years since then and the book is  still making people doubt the church and  Jesus Christ the subject is indeed  highly sensitive and Dan Brown has  conducted years of studies to get his  facts checked and write the whole story  although it's full of information cleric  mentions and plot twists it's a semi  fiction story because most characters  are not real Dan Brown has a few other  books that kind of tackle this subject  and with the same character Robert  Langdon but this one was a hugely  controversial story for months TV shows  and lots of people criticized the book  and began taking sides because the way  he wrote the book and the facts that  were presented are simply making you  doubt everything you already know we're  not giving away any spoilers don't worry  guys we're not that kind of people since  it's huge release the book has been  trending and ranking like crazy it sold  over 80 million copies it's been made  into a successful film adaptation some  parodies and of course lawsuits at 54  years old Dan Brown still writes books  about controversial subjects and has a  net worth between 20 to 100 million  dollars depending on which source you  read and since he released another  robert langdon book last year  origins it looks like we're about to  hear more and more about him and his  famous professor.  
9-H. rider  Haggard ,She- a history of adventure-   83 million copies 

Moving on we changed  the theme a little since we're now  talking about a different book xi the  history of adventure is the kind of book  that keeps you glued to the pages for  hours and hours  the story is about Horace Holley and his  ward  Leo Vincey wandering in a lost kingdom  in the African interior there they meet  an indigenous tribe and their white  queen aisha who reigns as the  all-powerful she or she who must be  obeyed as they call her sometimes the  story is inspired by two major themes  the lost world sub-genre and the British  colonialism in Africa since its  publication in 1887 the book has been a  massive influence for future English  novelists and a worldwide success so far  over 83 million copies have been sold  and it's now available in print audio  book and ebook options for those who  want to read it what makes the book so  great is that the author H rider Haggard  was inspired by a lot of personal  travels and childhood memories while  writing the story it's a story about  romance adventure fantasy and gothic  elements which makes it so much more  relevant and unique some great writers  such as Henry Miller or j.r.r tolkien  admitted to have being inspired by it  and that's why it's on our exclusive  list  there's also around eleven screen  adaptations of the story so feel free to  watch any of those as well.
8-  CS Lewis, The Lion the Witch and the  Wardrobe- 85 million copies

Because we like a little fantasy  sprinkled here and there and a damn good  story we have the best childhood story  by CS Lewis The Lion the Witch and the  Wardrobe the book is a part of The  Chronicles of Narnia and is by far one  of the most famous and best selling out  of all seven books it follows the story  of children that are staying in an old  countryside home and discovers a land of  Narnia from that moment on they embark  on a journey of self-discovery fighting  the Evil Queen and the mythical  creatures that help them along the way  it's a beautiful story that keeps that  young fantasy spirit alive some books  have beautifully made illustrations that  help depict all the craziness that  happens in Narnia and even though the  movies made after the book are really  good the book is still better  we will always go with the book and  encourage you guys to read and then  watch the movie some say the book  depicts a strong allegory to Jesus  Christ's crucifixion and connections to  other stories such as Snow White  altogether this book that means so much  to so many kids has sold over 85 million  copies so far and is still one of the  most kept books in libraries and  bookstores if you're not so much into  fantasy books then we strongly advise  you to see the movie instead because  they follow the story quite accurately  and have advanced CGI graphics. 

7-CAO XUEQIN , the dream of the red  chamber- 100 million copies 

Heading to  China we find one of the greatest novels  to ever come from the country this book  is one of the four greatest classical  novels even though the book is published  with many titles such as dream of the  red chamber the story of the stone red  chamber dream and a dream of red  mansions as you'd expect all writers are  inspired by their families and the times  in which they live this one is also semi  autobiographical where the action  follows house family the Ching dynasty  from the 18th century marvelous details  of daily life the Chinese culture and  psychology are depicted in this book  some of the first manuscripts were  handwritten and passed down for a good  period of time so a few edits might have  sneaked in  but since the modern printers were  invented the book sold in over 100  million copies worldwide making it  available in multiple languages and  audiobook versions if you plan on  reading this book which we strongly  advise you to do get ready for a complex  story with over 40 main characters a lot  of Chinese names and beautiful ancient  Chinese legends and since it won't give  away too much about the story we'll  leave you with this quote from the  opening chapter so you get a little  taste truth becomes fiction when the  fictions true real becomes not real  where the unreal real.  

6-J.K. Rowling ,Harry Potter and  the Sorcerer's Stone- 120 million copies  

We couldn't have done this ranking  without mentioning this contemporary  female writer JK Rowling is the kind of  girl boss that makes other females be  more confident and follow their dreams  she's the first author to become a  billionaire and one of the greatest  philanthropists our world has her famous  series Harry Potter brought her  international recognition and plenty of  opportunities out of all of the seven  books Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's  Stone is the one that made it to our  list since it sold over 120 million  copies the whole series has over 520  million copies sold worldwide and is of  course one of the best-selling series of  all time there's a lot of Records around  this famous series as well and the  author so we're not even going to bother  telling you the plot since you guys 100%  know it already we would even bet that  at least half of our subscribers are  Harry Potter fans and have seen the  movies The Sorcerer's Stone is the first  book in the series and it can be found  under two different names Harry Potter  and the Sorcerer's Stone in the US  version and Harry Potter and the  Philosopher's Stone in the UK version  with this first book and the first movie  all the world fell in love with the  magical characters and let's be honest  this series was a major career breaker  for Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson  since the series was released a lot of  people visited the places mentioned in  the book such as the platform 9 and 3/4  sign on London's Kings Cross railway  station or Gringotts wizarding in London  and a Luxor since we're talking about  Harry Potter and JK Rowling we can't  stretch it too far since we have five  other best-selling books on our list.    

5-Antoine de saint-exupéry, the  little prince- 140  million copies 

Getting closer to number one we stumble  upon another cute children's book the  little prince or La Petite France as so  many call it by its original French name  even though it's mostly a children's  story in some critics opinions since  it's pretty short only 96 pages the book  is a magical story and has been  translated into 250 languages and  dialects so everyone can enjoy it the  book has surpassed the 100 million  copies sold milestone and is now at 140  million copies and still counting after  the 2015 cinematic adaptation of the  book which had major Hollywood names  like Rachel McAdams James Franco or  Marion cottilard and a box office of  97.5 million dollars the story came back  again into the public eye with their  cute and symbolic characters the story  of the little prince is now so famous  that all over the world museums and  statues are attributed to it the  original manuscript of the story written  by Antoine de saint-exupery can be found  in Morgan Museum and Library in New York  as well as other personal objects of the  author and a signed edition of the book  since this prince is so famous you might  wonder who ellis trated him and how he  always looked the same in all of the  books and movies well when the author  wrote the book he also illustrated the  characters and the main sets up to this  day 75 years after its first publication  the original drawings are still used to  depict the little prince. 

4- j.r.r  tolkien, the Lord of the Rings series- 150  million copies 

We all remember the 2003  Oscar Awards ceremony when the Lord of  the Rings The Return of the King took  home no more than 11 Oscars therefore  holding the record for the biggest Oscar  a sweep of all time the same movie also  passed the 1 billion dollar milestone in  box offices and is now among the 10 best  movies of all time among classics like  Titanic or Ben Hur but what about the  books inspired Peter Jackson to move to  New Zealand for a few years to film this  masterpiece the Lord of the Rings series  written by JRR tolkien are the best  fantasy books of all time even better  than Harry Potter as sales show they've  sold over 150 million copies worldwide  translated in multiple languages and are  offed by millions of fans the movies the  comics the books and the memes are  simply more reasons why this story is so  epic we can all relate to Gandalf and  the hobbits in our lives and we have to  admit that for a movie marathon the Lord  of the Rings extended version is the  best option it's the kind of trilogy  that can be watched over and over again  until you know all the lines and still  get to sob or hesitate at some scenes  but one doesn't simply watch the trilogy  right getting back to our books they are  simply more detailed and elaborate than  the movies Tolkien has created this  incredible universe from scratch and it  would be a pity not to fully understand  the story and the universe and on top of  all of that the books are also packed  with maps songs and elvish dictionary  just read the books they'll be amazing  even if you've seen the movies already.  
3- Charles Dickens, A Tale of  Two Cities- 200 million copies    

Classics like Charles Dickens will  always have a special place in  everyone's heart and The Tale of Two  Cities is certainly that one book that  defined the English literature and gave  us one of the best characters ever it  begins with the famous line it was the  best of times it was the worst of times  and it's about one of the two most  beautiful cities London and Paris the  story takes place before the French  Revolution and it's divided into forty  five chapters the first edition was in  fact published in thirty-one weekly  installments in Dickens new literary  periodical titled all the year round and  then later put together as a Tale of Two  Cities although there are some  controversies that follow this great  masterpiece of English literature like  people criticizing Dickens of writing a  tale about the French Revolution while  he was a resident of London meaning he  had little knowledge about what actually  happened in France or that the book  didn't do so well in sales multiple  sources say that a Tale of Two Cities  was sold in more than two hundred  million copies and we stand by that  affirmation the book is epic by all  means and it actually served as the  inspiration for the character of Bane  from Batman The Dark Knight Rises not to  mention that the next novel Dickens  wrote after the success was Great  Expectations  which is another great book sorry haters  you can't bring down this classic writer.   

2- Miguel de Cervantes, Don   Quixote- 500 million copies  

Has always  the second to last story and author is  one that will never die if you've never  heard about this book then maybe you do  live under a rock or simply don't read  Don Quixote is the story of a nobleman  or Hidalgo as they're called in Spain  and his journey to bring back chivalry  the story is cited by many people and  fellow writers as a stepping stone to  Western literature and the best ever  written book Don Quixote also inspired a  lot of movie characters and cartoons  even though the book was released in  1605 by Miguel de Cervantes his book is  viewed as the most influential work of  literature from the Spanish Golden Age  and possibly the entire country a lot of  statues with Don Quixote are placed  throughout Spain and all over the world  this famous character will never die  because he represents hope and the lost  faith in humanity we all look for he's  timeless and just like Arthur  Schopenhauer said it's one of the four  greatest novels ever you would think 500  million copies sold would give you a  bigger image.  

1-The Bible- over  five billion copies 

 We hope you don't  think that this list of best-selling  books would go down without the Holy  Bible out of all the books in the world  that have been written the Bible is by  far the most popular but that might be  because for a long time it was the only  thing being printed with a printing  press it's been translated in all  languages and dialects I can be found in  most households the Quran is also very  popular and widely distributed but the  Bible and Christianity reached more  people there are Christians in China and  African countries so it's safe to say  that it's the most popular religion in  the world since the Holy Bible has been  around for so many years and the fact  the church distributes plenty of copies  to people it makes it hard to count all  of the Bibles that have been distributed  so far the Guinness world record book  said that over five billion copies have  been sold but there are chances that the  numbers are much higher certainly the  Bible was all of its versions and edits  his one book that has power influence  and can change a man's thinking process  there have been Wars and mass killings  made in the name of God and the Bible  but we're curious to see how it will  survive in the years to come given that  people are less religious these days on  the flip side the Quran is also  massively distributed across the world  among Muslims and libraries but again  the problem of unreported copies from  multiple publishers or synagogues does  exist since there are no official  numbers it's safe to say that more than  1 billion copies of the Quran have been  sold or distributed across the world to  Muslims  another important book is the Vedas the  holy book of Hinduism and one of the  oldest scriptures in the world  the Vedas is a collection of four books  and can be originally found at the bank  at our Oriental research institute in  prune India there now a UNESCO memory of  the world heritage since these  scriptures have been transmitted for  over hundreds of years verbally and a  lot of them burned during the religious  wars and it's complicated to estimate  how many copies have been distributed  most sources assume that around 1  billion of them exist even though they  are hard to read or understand due to  the old Sanskrit language and the lack  of gurus available to interpret them.    

Now  a is the end this was our  best-selling books list along with some  of the greatest authors of all time and  it kind of got us wanting to read some  more and discover other authors but  until we need other great books to read  we realize we mentioned two world-famous  series in this top list  Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings  and we're curious to find out which  one's your favorite are you guys Harry  Potter fans or Lord of the Rings fans  let's see which one wins leave us your  answers in the comment section below.