10 Foods You'll Never Buy Again After Knowing How They Are Made

10 Foods You'll Never Buy Again After Knowing How They Are Made

you might be eating these things  everyday but you will quickly change  your habits once you know that you're  eating maggots rubber chemical  ingredients and more just wait until you  see which McDonald's meal looked the  same after 14 years in a coat pocket  you'll never eat that , today we  are showing you 10 foods you'll never  buy again knowing how they are made.

have you ever looked at a  sausage and wondered how this weird  thing came from an animal it's already  disgusting to think that we are actually  eating a corpse but we will get over it  however you might not be ready to see  how a beautiful pig is turned into a  weird-looking sausage step by step as  you know you first have to end the life  of the pig which is never an easy thing  to do then it all starts with what's  left of the beef and pork  after butchers took the best parts of  these animals they are fed into a  machine it passes through grated metal  plates and processed chicken trimmings  are added to the mix this is when we get  the most disgusting part the meat  mixture is blended until it is liquefied  and it turns into something that we will  never want to see again this is how they  can add food starch salt brown mustard  and other flavorings water is blended  into the mix and everything is blended  together to make sure that it looks even  more disgusting the meat puree is then  pumped into the casings and ready to go  in a smoker to get the additional  flavorings we don't know about you but  we think we'll eat a hamburger instead  but just wait until you see how this  other meal is made. 

2-Chewing gum 

you have all heard your  parents tell you that you shouldn't  swallow your chewing gum because it will  be stuck in your belly for seven years  some of you probably still believe it at  least if we have one good thing to tell  you is that it will just take a few days  for your chewing gum to end up in the  toilet but unfortunately there is a good  reason why your parents told you that  you shouldn't eat chewing gum that's  because this delicious candy is actually  made of something that we shouldn't put  in our mouth it all starts with the gum  base which makes the chewing gum chewy  it used to be made from tree resin but  it's now synthetic you'll want to eat  resin again once you learn that your  favorite candy is actually made of  plastics and rubbers the gum base is  poured into a mixer and this is when  they can add color flavoring and  sweetener these are probably the only  things that we can eat in a chewing gum  and this is the reason why this sweet  only lasts a couple of minutes before  there is nothing left to taste at least  now we understand why we shouldn't  swallow chewing them tell this to the  kids instead of scaring them with this  crazy myth.
3- Blue cheese

have you ever  wondered why this cheese is blue you  won't believe that this color is  actually caused by mold you would think  that it's not good to eat anymore but  this is actually what people love about  it we are not sure that we agree with  them but if you do you can even make  your own blue cheese at home start with  a normal cheese recipe and make it  disgusting as soon as it comes out of  the press create air holes by inserting  a ride in the cheese at every inch or so  then rub the surface with salt and fold  a cloth over it to cover the cheese put  it in the refrigerator with good air  ventilation and wait 10 days you might  think that your cheese is not good  anymore but if you see a white bloom on  the surface that's a good sign then you  can wait another two months or more and  see the result now we understand why  this cheese smells so bad but don't  worry it's still good to eat if you ever  dare go near it mold is usually  dangerous because it affects our  respiratory system and can even cause  carcinogens but in the cheese there are  no toxins which makes the mold good to  eat we don't know who had that weird  idea and we're not sure we want to know  more about this.


it's time to eat  something healthy you might be wondering  how can it go wrong but you might be  surprised  know that yogurt is actually full of  bacterias and that's not even a mistake  it is just made like that we have been  making yogurt in the same ways for  centuries even though things are now  easier with machines the first thing you  need to do is separate the milk into  skim and cream it's also thickens with a  gelatin or milk powder if you are a  vegetarian and don't know what gelatin  is made up you'll have to keep watching  this video  they then heat the thick milk to kill  off any harmful bacteria through  pasteurization so don't worry the food  is actually safe to eat  but wait until you see what is coming  next the most important thing to make  the yogurt tastes like yogurt is to pour  good bacteria into the mix you heard  that right is actually part of the main  ingredients the amount and type vary  from one company to another but it's  still disgusting to think that we are  eating this and we didn't even know  about this the bacteria work together to  metabolize the lactose to form new  chemicals the fermentation then lasts  for three or four hours until the yogurt  is thick and creamy is it us or we just  don't want to eat anything anymore now.

 5- Bacon  

how can something so good be so  bad any bacon lover doesn't want to  watch this but you know that you won't  be able to resist the temptation to keep  watching this video traditionally bacon  is made by rubbing a cut of pork belly  with a mixture of salt and spice before  leaving the meat for a week we would  have no problems eating that unless we  were vegan but mass production turned  our favorite meal of the day into  something disgusting that's because the  meat received injections of salty water  which can also include chemicals like  absorb ik acid potassium nitrate and  sodium nitrate don't think that they are  making the food better for you when they  do this the main reason why they add  this to the meat is to make the bacon  heavier when you are buying bacon in the  supermarket you were actually buy an  expensive water the meat is then cooked  and placed into a cooler for a couple of  days until it's ready to slice at least  you'll be happy to hear that the meat  does go through a metal detector to make  sure the pieces of the metal hanger are  not left in the bacon does that mean  that it happened before it will let our  siblings eat all the bacon that we have  for breakfast this time the fruits  suddenly taste better.

6- Gummy bear  

remember when we told you that  vegetarians wouldn't be happy to hear  how gelatin is made now it's time to  tell you the truth about the ingredient  that  you can find in your favorite candies  including the gummy bears most gummies  are made from gelatin which is made from  animal skin and bones they use what is  left of the dead bodies of the animals  to create the gummies that we all love  there are tons of body parts and when  you look at this mountain of animal  corpses you can't help but feel sorry  for those pigs who suffer only so we can  eat a tiny candy the meat is turned into  little strings which are then turned  into something that looks like a powder  it's turned into a liquid and this is  when they add color and flavor then out  of a machine comes a delicious little  treat that we'd love to taste at least  this is what we thought before we saw  those pictures we might feel a little  less guilty when we eat a steak but  killing animals to make something that  we don't really need doesn't seem right  at least companies are starting to make  vegan gummies for the best of everyone  if you're vegetarian were you surprised  to know that gummies are made from  animals don't be shy to share your  thoughts in the comment section down  below .
 7-Breakfast sandwiches

going to a fast  food restaurant is the best way to start  the morning you don't have to cook and  you have a delicious meal anyway which  is way better than a simple bowl of  cereal  you might feel a little heavier during  the rest of the day but it won't stop  you from doing the same thing the next  morning and the reason why you might  feel bad is probably that it contains  things that you would never put in your  mouth if you knew what it was you can  probably find the worst breakfast  sandwich at Subway  one of the ingredients is propylene  glycol it's a solvent for food colors  and flavorings that is also used in  antifreeze and deodorant sticks and to  lubricate air conditioner compressors  then we have glycerine a solvent that we  can find in soaps moisturizers and some  brands of shaving cream we also have  TBHQ or tertiary butyl hydroquinone  which is used to preserve vegetable oils  against oxidation it doesn't sound that  bad unless you know that it's also used  in perfumes, lacquers and varnishes and  you can forget dimethyl poli-sci alloxan  which can be found in silly putty and  mini lubricants and there's also calcium  silicates a sealant used on roofs roads  and concrete.   we'll just skip the most  important meal of the day instead that's  not worth it.
8-French fries  

what could go wrong with  french fries it's just potatoes cover  with a tomato sauce that we call ketchup  but McDonald's found a way to make those  french fries disgusting mostly for  vegetarians  it actually takes 19 ingredients to  transform a potato into a piece of gold  we would expect to see things like  potatoes different oils and salt but we  don't really like to hear that we can  also find citric acid dimethyl poli-sci  alloxan dextrose sodium acid  pyrophosphate and TBHQ  if you can't pronounce it you shouldn't  put it in your mouth but all these weird  ingredients were not the reason why  people were shocked what they hated the  most was the natural beef flavor  McDonald's fries are a pre cooked in  beef tallow which is described as  natural flavoring Hindus who don't eat  beef for religious reasons and  vegetarians were not happy to hear about  that this is why in June 2002 McDonald's  was forced to pay ten million dollars to  Hindu and vegetarian groups who thought  that the fries were vegan but there's  also one last thing that anyone will  hate about french fries from McDonald's  after four years in a sealed jar they  looks the same when we look at the KFC  fries we know that this is not normal  but just wait until you see which thing  from McDonald's stayed the same for 14  years.  
9-Tomato sauce  

here's another thing that  we're going to ruin you will never look  at your pasta covered with tomato sauce  the same way again this time we don't  really care about how they are made but  about what we can find in the  ingredients at least that was in plans  but that doesn't stop it from being  there you'll want to keep watching if  you're vegan because you might  accidentally find something that is  alive on your plates if you go to an  Italian restaurant and you will be even  less happy to hear that you won't find  animals but bugs in the tomato sauce  that's because the FDA doesn't care if  there are flies or maggots in your  tomato sauce according to the US Food  and Drug Administration it's totally  normal to find 30 or more fly eggs per  100 grams you could even find one maggot  per 100 grams the numbers are similar  for canned tomatoes tomato juice tomato  puree and pasta pizza sauce and other  sauces sometimes they can even tolerate  30 fly eggs or 2 maggots per 100  milligrams that's something we wish we never knew about now that we think about all the tomatoes that we ate recently anyway you probably won't notice the fly eggs in your plate let's just say that maggots are full of protein.


now if you thought that  you wouldn't be able to stop yourself  from eating a hamburger at McDonalds  anyway will make you change your mind  people start by inspecting cuts of meat  before they are sent through the grinder  it is formed into beef patties and sent  into a giant freezer just before they  are boxed and packaged for shipping some  patties are even tested before the  batches of meat are sent out the  fast-food restaurant also had to explain  that they don't use pink slime in this  recipe to make people feel less  disgusted all this sounds normal which  is why it's weird to think that a  hamburger could be so disgusting but you  won't be happy to hear that this is the  thing that stayed the same after 14  years in a coat pocket a scientists even  conducted a series of tests to  understand if burgers would rot over  time and he thought that because of the  burgers small size and large surface  area it would lose moisture very fast  without moisture bacterias or mold can't  grow we don't know about you but we are  not going to McDonald's anytime soon is  there any disgusting food that you would  love to eat.

anyway don't be shy to tell us what it is in the comment section down below we'd love to hear what you  think and that's it for 10 foods you'll never buy again.